Chapter 54

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When the following day arrived, Saphira was rather excited. She knew Optimus was set to return later today, and she would also go through the process of receiving her inheritance as well. She did not get up early again, and she felt very refreshed. Though she did wake with a sense of sadness. Receiving her grandfather's inheritance, and soon job, meant she would essentially be reconnecting with Everett in someway. It made her feel emotional at the thought and she let out a few tears, silently thanking her grandfather for everything and that she would do everything that she could to make him proud.

She made herself a quick breakfast with just toast and eggs again like she had the day before as she wanted to get the day started just right. She made sure to have the eggs due to knowing she was in for a long, busy day before the autobots even arrive back home. She had some music playing while she was cooking as well. She had put on Abba and she was dancing happily to the music while she cooked the eggs, all the way until she put the eggs onto the plate.

She particularly sang the hardest when she played Super Trooper and Honey Honey, as she definitely was thinking of Optimus and the time that she hoped to spend with him when he returned home. Plus, those two songs were one of her favorite Abba songs and she just cannot help but sing along to them. Even dancing to them, even if the way she was dancing might seem silly to a lot of people. She was simply excited for him to be home.

She had not received a text from Optimus this morning, and she decided to send him one, letting him know she was awake, and she was feeling really good today. And she made sure to include that she hoped that things were going okay on his end and that Chromia is not in any danger. So far, he has not responded to her and that had Saphira a little worried that something has happened. She didn't want to unintentionally upset him if something did happen without her knowing.

She tried to not let herself get too worried though, as she wanted to try and have a good day for most of it before later that day to remember the twins. She finished off her breakfast, cleaned up and went upstairs to get ready. She continued to sing and dance to the music happily. She was glad that Brains and Wheelie had left after playing a few rounds of pool with them the previous night. She didn't particularly want to wake up with the two of them still in the house.

Once she was dressed, she moved two of the suitcases into the car, deciding it was best to have things packed now before later. She left just one so she had something to wear, along with keeping her toiletries nearby. She gathered all of her documents to prepare to have everything transferred to her and made her way to the car. She was feeling pretty content at the moment and she did not know how long it would take for everything to be in her name.

She drove into the city to the local trustee to get the wealth transferred to her name. She did contact Andrew and he gave her advice on who to go to, and she did just that. Especially when it came to the real estate regarding the properties that were not in the country. She spent a few hours in the city first dealing with the wealth being approved for the transfer and ensuring that the money would go into the right account. Once that was settled, the paperwork for the properties was less stressful than the money. Even with the properties in Paris and London, which really was a lot easier than she had first thought. She could now go to any of the properties she wanted, and she was a very wealthy woman. It really felt so surreal to her, she was actually pinching herself all day just to make sure she was not dreaming.

But after all of that was done, Saphira did look at her phone and there was still nothing from Optimus. She was starting to get a bad feeling and she hoped nothing had happened. She thought about contacting Will, but that would give away she already knew that they were coming home today and he would know Optimus had communications with her. But she was still worried about what might be happening and she had no idea what it could be. She decided to send Optimus another text.

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