Chapter 14

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Saphira smiled as she gazed at the four bracelets she had made with the flowers on her arm. She also kept the necklace around her neck and she was now making a crown to place upon her head. She had offered to make something for Optimus, however he politely declined and he preferred watching Saphira's hands weaving the stems into something new. He had no idea it could be done this way and he watched as close as he could. Saphira found it amusing that he was intrigued by this, which was partly the reason why she had offered to make one for him.

"I suppose humans have been doing this with flowers for many years," Optimus said from where he was sitting as the sun slowly began to set and the sky turned an orange. "It is a skill that I do not have."

"Maybe I can teach you, but your current form definitely is not ideal," Saphira said casually with a smile. "Almost done...oh!" Her eyes glanced as a white butterfly fluttered towards her. Optimus leaned down a little as the tiny insect was extremely hard to see. "Hello, you are so pretty!"

Saphira offered her finger to the butterfly and it lands on it, moving its wings as it rests. "That looks extremely delicate. I have never seen a creature like that until now."

"They are delicate. They start out as caterpillars and eat so they grow big and fat to become a cocoon to transform into these beautiful butterflies. Unlike us though..." Saphira lifts her hand to look closer at the insect. "Once a butterfly, they only live for a week."

"Really?" Optimus was so shocked to hear that, he didn't know anything that had such a short lifespan. "That is so short..."

" is. But they breed in that time, and they pollinate the many plants like the flowers in the field, so they still have an important part to play." The butterfly flutters away from her finger and flew away to flower to drink from. "A lot of things are like that anyway."

Optimus observed the tiny creature, it fascinated him and he looked back at Saphira as she continued working on the crown as she was almost finished. "I agree. Everything, even the smallest, is important. I wish the decepticons felt that way. They believe that not everything should be able to live freely."

"That is a real shame. Were the decepticons always like that?" Saphira looked up at Optimus curiously and he shakes his head solemnly. "I guess something must have changed."

"It started a long time ago. Before my time, there were Seven Primes, they were the original leaders and they used to travel to different worlds to harvest energon. However, when they came here, one of them broke the rules because he despised the human race." She could not help but wonder what humans even did for the decepticons to hate the race so much. "Because of that, he became the original decepticon and his thirst for both blood and to keep Cybertron alive at all costs while being the ones to enslave the universe became the goal for the decepticons. Megatron was not always like that, in fact, he once fought along side me. He was deceived, I don't know by who though. I don't think it was by a decepticon."

Saphira shakes her head and finished the crown and placed it on her head, Optimus smiled slightly as the white petals stood out on her black hair. "So...because someone hates the human race, the decepticons came to be. That sounds kind of...strange to me. But if a human did something to piss one of the first Primes off, then I guess I understand."

"I do not know the full story, I just know part of it." Optimus shrugged slightly. "That crown you made is very pretty Saphira. It suits you, the white really stands out."

"Thanks Optimus. Are you sure you don't want me to make you at least a bracelet?" Saphira adjusted the crown a bit as she spoke. "They won't last forever now they are out of the ground, so it's not like you will have it all the time."

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