Chapter 66

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The next day came around and Saphira went out of the apartment to do some clothes shopping. She brought the camera lens with her so that the scrap bots could keep an eye on her. Barricade remained in the apartment too, as he also wanted to watch and see if this Jerry Wang would show up. And he did. Saphira felt his eyes following her as she went through the mall as she went into different shops to pick out different things. She bought new dresses, jewellery, shoes, makeup and so on.

She had actually spent most of the day shopping as Saphira was not in hurry to leave. And while she did spot the man more than once, he didn't approach her. He did stop following her a few times, or simply hid better, but Saphira knew that he was still keeping an eye on her. He at least didn't seem like he was going to harm her, but it was hard to tell at the moment.

During the day, Saphira and Optimus were also sending each other feelings of love. She didn't know what Optimus was doing at the moment, of course, but he was missing her and she was missing him terribly as well. Saphira had almost been completely distracted by this, but she couldn't complain at all. It made her feel like Optimus was there with her, keeping a watchful eye and making sure that she was safe. It was a great feeling.

But as nothing really happened with Jerry Wang, other than he was watching closely, Saphira, Barricade and the scrap bots didn't think there was much call for concern at this time. But as Saphira had a hair appointment the next day, that might change. But this day didn't really bring anything useful, so Saphira simply went home with nothing to report and spent the time talking with Barricade and the scrap bots.

After she went to bed, Saphira was woken up in the middle of the night because she was alarmed by the sudden feeling of shock and anger from Optimus. She hadn't expected to be woken up like that, but she guessed that something must have happened. She sent love through the bond, which seemed to surprise him, as he no doubt thought she was asleep, as she felt love in return.

But as she had been woken up, Saphira checked the time and saw it was two in the morning. She got up from her bed and made her way to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of water. She was quiet as she walked into the kitchen, but she knew both Brains and Wheelie were still in the living room and she could hear them muttering quietly to each other. Barricade was currently recharging, which was why his holoform was not present currently.

"What are you doing up at this time, Mrs Prime?" Wheelie's surprised voice startled Saphira as she tried to grab a glass from the cupboard as quietly as possible. "I don't know how you thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. Is something the matter?"

Saphira smiled as she turned around, looking at the two bots who were looking at her from the couch. "Sorry...I just was woken up. Something must have happened in Ukraine, and I felt Optimus's anger. I was kind of startled awake."

"Oh, I see." Wheelie jumped off the couch and rolled over as Saphira filled the glass with water. "It must have been some anger if it was enough to wake you up. Are you sure it wasn't some bad dream at all?" She shook her head with a smile and sipped the water from the glass. "Hmm, well, okay. I guess you can have some water and then go back to bed. I know you don't have much to do, but we don't want you to be losing your sleep over it."

Saphira smiled at the bot as his concern was very much appreciated. "Thanks for your concern, Wheelie. I'll go back to bed in a moment. I just need a moment." She sipped some more water before she paused for a moment. "Hmm..."

"What is it?" Wheelie asked as he noticed her pausing for a moment. Her expression turned into a confused frown as she seemed to be feeling something. "Are you feeling something from Optimus? Make sure you send him love, I am sure he would like it." She did not say anything before she suddenly placed her cup down and ran out of the kitchen. "Saphira?!"

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