Chapter 60

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Holding onto his hand, Saphira walked down the stone stairs with Optimus. She was lucky the stairs were wide enough for two people to walk down the stairs together. And thankfully, there was not that many. To her surprise, when they reach the bottom of the stairs, the old lanterns on the walls lit up suddenly. She looked at them to see they were burning a blue light and she realized they must be transformer technology.

"It seems Everett has some energon technology hidden here," Optimus comments as he looked at the lanterns and smiled a little. "It would seem he has thought of a few things." Saphira nodded as she looked ahead and Optimus looked around. "This is very intriguing."

Saphira walked ahead of Optimus and let's go of his hand. She saw the basement was rather large, and looked like it had been literally carved into the ground as there was no visible structure on the walls. The rock looked hardened with a special substance to keep it from collapsing, and she was grateful for that.

She first looked to her right and widened her eyes when she saw a suit of armor from the medieval times. It was locked into a glass case and she leaned forward to look at it. She did not recognize the crest on the chest. It was a circular crest with a simple horizontal and vertical line in the middle of the circle. She didn't recognize it because it looked older than any civilization that she was aware of. Especially as the armor looked worn and had seen a lot of battle.

She saw the swords that had been used at the time this armor was worn as well. She hummed as she wondered who these belonged to. They were here to show that transformers have been on this world for much longer than she thought. She knew the Fallen had been on this world before humans had even reached the medieval period, but that did not mean there weren't transformers on the planet from that time

"Saphira..." She turned away from the weapons and armor to look over at Optimus. He was looking at a large board and she walked over to see it looked like a massive family tree. "This looks like a human ancestry tree. Do you recognize any of these people?"

Ratchet walked over as he was curious too. Saphira looked at it and stared as she studied it. She shook her head before pausing as she saw the name at the top. King Arthur. "King Arthur? Wait...Camelot?" Optimus looked at her to see her confused expression. "They were real?" She looked away as she saw large books before looking back at the armor and swords. "King Arthur, Camelot, Merlin and the round table has always been a source of myth. I have always believed they existed at some point, but we never had a lot of historical information to confirm it." She walked away towards the books, only to pause when she noticed scrolls on a bookshelf. And it was labeled The History of Camelot. "Ah...if Arthur had some connection with transformers..." She grabbed one of the scrolls and unrolled it carefully as the paper felt fragile and she saw it was a sketch of four, larger, old transformers standing behind a group of men on horses. She showed the image to Optimus. "Do you recognize these guys?"

Optimus looked at the image carefully. "Yes. They are knights. They used to be guardians to something on Cybertron many years before my time. But I am not aware of the reason why they left Cybertron. No one even knew where they went." He hummed softly as he was intrigued by this information. "It would seem they met with noble humans many years ago. And the secrecy of our kind has been a job for many humans over thousands of years."

"Well...this is turning into something more surprising than I first thought." Saphira carefully rolled the scroll back up and placed it on the shelf. "I have a feeling I am going to be studying a few things down here. There's so much here that I am not even sure what I am...huh..." She paused as she noticed pictures of historical figures. "Abraham Lincoln...George Washington...these people are here, that means they know the secret."

"Weren't they political people?" Ratchet asked curiously. "And there's a few of the English monarchs as well. Does that not mean the royal family know about transformers too?"

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