Chapter 62

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Sex Scene in this Chapter

After spending much of the day at the dam, they finally returned to the house to spend the rest of the night. Saphira was feeling a mix of emotions because she was unhappy the autobots would have to leave the next day. She was happy she got to spend time with them though. They had ended up playing some volleyball and it was a heap of fun as she could join in this time. But when the sun began to set, they returned to the house for the rest of the night.

Saphira and Lennox were sitting at the dining table as she had cooked up some steak with mashed potatoes and vegetables for dinner. The autobot holoforms were all in the living room watching TV. "Do you like Mearing more than Galloway?" Saphira asked curiously. "I know she's done a better job with communication between NEST and the government, but I also know your feelings about government agents."

"Well, she...she is not someone you want to mess with," Will said with a light chuckle. "And she also is a little weird about not being called ma'am, which is a little difficult since I say it out of respect. She also does not say what word she would prefer over it."

"I noticed that. She's a tough woman, and she's kind of intimidating." She put a piece of steak in her mouth and chewed it thoughtfully. "I prefer her over Galloway, but I am curious about how you feel."

"I will agree that she scares me as well, but she can be annoying sometimes. But she is not whiney like Galloway was, which I like. She has been a bit busier lately, so we have not really heard from her, aside the call about needing the autobots to come back. But we don't really have any beef with her like we did with Galloway. She does not seem the type to be easily manipulated into doing dirty work for the decepticons." Will put a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth to chew. "I am curious, what do you plan on doing when we leave?"

She was surprised by the question and seemed to be flustered. "Oh, um...I am not sure...I have not really thought about it. I do need to sort out the properties I have under my name. I am thinking of selling few of them since I won't be using them...but I also need to get to work."

"I assume you have figured out what this secret job is that your grandfather left you." She shrugged with a blank expression and Will couldn't help but be intrigued. "I see, you probably have some idea now, but you need more information."

"Yeah, that is pretty much the case." She smiled at him with a little chuckle. "But I am in no hurry. I have more money than I need, so I can choose to not work at all if I want. But I really hate just sitting around."

"You could always return to racing," Mirage said sarcastically, which made him receive a glare from Optimus. "You should know it is a possibility. That girl can drive."

"I have considered it, but I really would prefer to put my energy into other things." She looked at Optimus as he was relieved with her response. "The only car I will be fixing up is that Firebird and I do not intend on doing any racing. I definitely don't need to be doing it, even if it is a lot of fun. I may buy a private track to practice on, but that's it."

"It might be good to keep your skills in tip top shape," Will said thoughtfully as he listened to the conversation. "I don't know anyone else with your driving skills, and from what I heard with the incident with Galloway a few weeks ago, your skills saved your life. And that is the most important thing."

"That is why I say you could go do the races," Mirage said with a smile, glancing at Optimus. "Nothing more than for her to keep her skills that could save her life again in the future."

"I suppose I was not thinking of that." Optimus rubbed his chin thoughtfully before looking at Saphira with a smile. "Having your own track wouldn't be a terrible idea. I personally do worry about the way you drive, but it is also quite mezmerizing to watch." She blushed a little at Optimus's compliment. "When I first saw you drifting around that industrial area, I was afraid for you. However, as I now know you are more than capable of handling the wheel, I encourage you to keep up with your skill. Even if you aren't actually racing."

"I will consider it." Saphira finished off her food and leaned back in her chair with a satisfied sigh. "That was good. I haven't had a steak in a while. I am so glad I got new appliances."

The man finished off his food as well, nodding in agreement. "Nothing like home cooked meals." He rubbed his stomach in satisfaction as he smiled at Saphira. "I did hear that you like to grow your own food. Do you intend to do that here?"

She nodded. "Yep. I intend to since I don't really see myself using a lot of the other properties. Most will end up being sold, and I'll buy an apartment in Washington anyway, so I don't have...well, I don't need the fanciest building in the world to be happy. A big mansion can feel incredibly empty when it is just one person."

"I fully understand that. This farmhouse is certainly more your style." She nodded in agreement. "So what do you plan on growing anyway?"

"Well...that's kind of easy," Saphira smiled at him. "I plan on building a new chicken coop, a quail house and...unlimited number garden beds and a large orchid. I also plan on possibly starting a hydroponic greenhouse, so I can produce food all year round and, potentially, raise perches as well. Though that is not completely planned out yet. I want to be able to grow enough that I don't have to jump in the car to buy. Especially since I live in the country."

"That's quite a lot of planning," Will commented as he listened to her. "But I definitely think you can do it." He smiled at her with an encouraging expression. "I know you can do it. And if the autobots ever get to come back here, they will get to enjoy seeing how different the farm is when you work on it."

"They sure will. I have spotted a few chestnut trees around that I intend to keep and look after for the chestnuts as well, so there's also something to harvest." Saphira stood up and gathered the plates. "And when you come to visit, you'll get to enjoy farm to table food."

"And there will be absolutely nothing better than the freshest produce straight from the garden." Will stood up, grabbing the cups. "Let me help you with all that. I know I am a guest, but you already washed up the cooking utensils."

"That is because I learned long ago if I clean as I cook, there is much less to do when I have to do that washing up," Saphira responded happily. "And there's only two plates, two cups and two sets of utensils left anyway, so there is hardly very much to wash up." She walked over to the sink to place the plates and utensils into the sink and turned on the tap to rinse off the plates. "There's not much for you to do anyway. Optimus and I plan on spending a bit of time together afterwards."

"As you should." Will placed the cups into the sink and grabbed a tea towel to start drying the items on the drying rack. "The two of you are sparkmates, which I guess that kind of makes you married...I guess."

She snorted in amusement. "I guess it kind of does. At least we don't need to spend money on a big old wedding or getting the certificate, we just became sparkmates." She glanced over at Optimus as he was listening with a smile on his face. "I certainly don't need some big fancy event with people looking at me. That's anxiety inducing to me."

The man chuckled softly. "To be honest, I think you would still enjoy yourself if you had a wedding ceremony and reception. But you definitely are not interested in a heap of attention, so I fully understand your reasoning. Weddings are just a heap of money to be spent for a single day."

"Yeah. I understand why we have them, but I am just happy to not have one." She washed the plates and put them onto the drying rack and began to scrub the utensils. "The feeling of becoming his sparkmate was an experience I'll probably never have again. And I am happy to experience it with him."

Optimus stood up and walked into the kitchen, walking over to her and slid his arms around Saphira's waist. He leaned against her as she smiled feeling his protective arms around her body. "I am in agreement with Saphira. Becoming one as sparkmates is an experience we get only once in our lives. Unless, of course, we lose that sparkmate and we find someone else who we can spend our lives with." He kissed the top of her head as Saphira began to wash the cups, which did not take too long. "Shall I go up and run the bath for you?"

Saphira smiled and turned her head to look at him. "That sounds like a great idea to me." She winked at him and pressed her body against him. "I definitely won't say no to a nice bath."

Optimus leaned down slightly to kiss her cheek. "I shall see you up there in a moment." She blushed as he let's her go and turned to head upstairs to run the bath.

Will was grinning ear to ear after witnessing that. "I have a feeling you won't be getting much sleep tonight." She shrugged with a chuckle. "I don't blame you, honestly. Aside from myself and my wife, I haven't seen anyone else have such a strong love for each other. I find it crazy because you only have known each other for a short time. both did literally die for each other. I don't think many people can say that."

"No, they cannot." She finished washing the cups and began to wipe down the counter as Will continued to dry the dishes. "It's kind of romantic when you think about it...even if we both gave everyone a heart attack."

"You are not wrong." He looked at Saphira and grabbed the cloth from her hand. "You should head upstairs, Saphira. I can handle it from here. I can always have the autobots assist me since they're just sitting around."

Ironhide let out an irritated huff. "There's no need for all of us to do the same job, Lennox. Though I personally would like to go for a drive."

Wheelie chuckled as he slid off the couch and rolled towards the kitchen. "I will help you out, Colonel Lennox. These lazy suckers are not very helpful, and I've been helping Saphira out for a while. Brains and I can help ya out while Mrs Prime spends her precious time with Optimus."

Saphira giggled softly and smiled at the scrap bot. "That seems like a good idea to me. You and Brains might get annoying at times, but you guys are so helpful."

"As we should be!" Brains said in a proud voice, placing his hands on his hips. "Too bad Wheelie and I have to go with the bots to NEST. I'm not even sure why, we never go on any of the missions."

"You know the reason," Will said with a smile. "Though you both are likely to see Saphira more often than the others since you aren't needed like they are."

"That's good enough for me," Brains said with a chuckle and looked up as Saphira walked to the stairs. "Tell Prime to make sure to let you sleep tonight. He also needs to recharge before we head back for NEST tomorrow."

Saphira just laughed at Brains as she walked up the stairs to the second floor. She could feel how fast her heart was beating as she was excited, and she could also feel the love coming through the bond from Optimus. She walked towards the master bedroom and she could hear the bath running. She knew Optimus did not need a bath with his holoform, but it was easier to spend time with her in the bath this way.

Saphira rubbed her hands over her body, imagining Optimus's hands touching her. She shuddered as she felt butterflies in her stomach and she opened the door to the bedroom, stepping inside. Saphira still felt odd that she was now taking up the master bedroom, but she knew her grandfather would want her to have the best room in the house, so she relaxed a little bit. She looked towards the bathroom, and she could see the shadow of Optimus's muscular holoform on the ground. She shuddered in delight and walked over to the door.

When she reached the doorway, she saw Optimus's holoform was shirtless as he was kneeling beside the bath. She eyed off the muscles on his body, and eyed off the visible battle scars he has received over many years. He was so handsome and she felt her blush redden. He turned his head and smiled at her as his bright, blue eyes gaze upon her. "Do you need my help getting undressed?" Saphira giggled and nodded shyly at him. "As you wish, my sweet sparkmate."

Optimus stood up and turned off the tap before walking towards her. Saphira saw that the tub was filled with bubbles and she could tell these were scented bubbles as she could smell the rose scent from them. Saphira stepped further into the bathroom as Optimus placed his hands on her waist and ran them around to her back, pulling her closer to him and pressing her again his broad chest. Her cheeks burn as she looked up at him before their lips meet.

She eagerly kissed him passionately and Optimus gently pressed her against the wall, making her gasp in delight and shiver when he moved his lips to her neck to kiss and nibble passionately. She arched her back as Optimus slipped his hands up her shirt and rubbing the arch of her back gently and teasing her bra strap. She ran her fingers through his hair and wondered how he could have such soft hair for a holoform . It was delightful, even if she was a little bit jealous.

She felt her bra clip come undone and he lifts her shirt up slowly, uncovering her bra covered breasts as it hangs loosely. Once the shirt was off, Optimus placed it in the nearby hamper and gently tugged at her bra straps before sliding them off her arms and tossing it into the hamper. He clasps his hands over her breasts to caress gently while he placed his lips on her lips again.

Saphira wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him against her body. She loved his scent, his warmth and feeling his strong muscles around her like a protective shield, and she could not get enough of it at all. Saphira moved her lips to kiss his neck and he tilts his head to happily allow her to explore. She shuddered as she felt his right hand run down the curve of her side to her pants to tug and tease. She felt her sensitive core burn in anticipation for what was coming, and she felt like she could be impatient, but she knew she had to be patient.

She bit at his neck gently, hearing him rumble a deep groan from his chest and he moved his hand to the button and zipper of her pants to undo. She smirked as she left love bites on his skin and moved her own hands to Optimus's pants. She knew that he was capable of making them disappear if he wanted to, but she also knew Optimus enjoyed the sensation of his clothes being removed from his body. She gripped the side of the pants and teased them as Optimus pulled her pants and panties down at the same time.

Her legs quiver and Optimus gently grabbed her chin to kiss her passionately again. At the same time, her wrapped his arms around her waist and lifts her up slightly. She gasped in surprise and her pants and panties fall off her feet before she wrapped her legs around his waist. She smiled at him and kept her arms around his shoulders as he held her against the wall, keeping her balanced so she would not fall. She was feeling so happy and she looked into his bright blue eyes.

"I don't suppose you could make your holoform eyes look like your optics?" Saphira asked curiously. He raised an amused eyebrow at her. "I love your optics, Optimus. I know that...being intimate with your full form wouldn't be possible, but I would like to see your optics."

He let out a low chuckle and kissed her happily. She heard the sound of transformation as Optimus closed his eyes and she watched as the skin over his eyelids chance to metal and he opened them to reveal his optics. "Should I guess that I should keep my optics on my holoform for you, Saphira?"

She giggled at him and nodded. "If you would not mind."

"Not at all." He kissed her again and softened his expression. "It makes my spark dance knowing you love my full appearance. And you are right, intimacy in my full form wouldn't be possible. But...that does not mean you couldn't tease me. I wouldn't stop you unless I had to."

Saphira giggled again and they kiss passionately. The idea of doing stuff to his full form sounded like an idea worth exploring. But she could not do that tonight. Not while the others were here. After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Optimus stepped back and carefully moved Saphira's body to carry her bridal style. She was grinning at him with a deep blush on her cheeks. Optimus loved it when she blushed and he leaned down to kiss her as he carried her towards the bath. She was thoroughly looking forward to enjoying the warmth of the water.

He lowered her into the water and Saphira shuddered as the heat of the water enveloped her already warm body. She took deep breaths as she breathed in the rose scent of the bubbles and looked down, smiling as she moved her hand around as she played with the water and bubbles. She lifts up some of the bubbles in her hands and blew on them, watching them fly all around her and she looked up to see Optimus sliding off his pants slowly. She glanced down at his crotch, and her blush deepened as she felt the need to feel him inside her. There was a strange, sensual throbbing in the bond right now, and Saphira was loving it because it made it feel this was even better than she would expect.

As the tub was large enough, Optimus carefully stepped into the water and sat down slowly. Saphira watched him and he reached out to her, gently grabbed her arms and pulling her to him. She obliged happily and they began to kiss passionately. Optimus rubbed her back gently while Saphira felt his powerful muscles on his chest and arms. She could never get enough of them. He was sending love through the bond and she was thriving on the feeling. She hoped she was sending love through the bond too, as she wasn't sure how to do that just yet.

He moved his hand under the water and Saphira let out a gasp of surprise when she felt his fingers rubbing over her sensitive core. She looked at him with a grin. "I love you, Optimus." She softened her expression slightly. "I wish we didn't have to be apart. I don't think I can...I guess with this bond, feeling apart is going to be stronger."

"Unfortunately, we will definitely feel that," Optimus said gently, lifting his hand to place on her cheek to rub his thumb gently. "While we will have that longing for each other, know that we will always feel the love we have. It is our own version of an emerald that keeps us together."

She felt some happy tears in her eyes as his words and threw herself at him. "You always seem to have...uh...great words to say." She closed one eye as Optimus was still rubbing her core. "Ooh, fuck...this bath feels warmer..."

Optimus packed her lips happily and shifted her to sit closer to him, and she felt the head of his manhood pressing against her entrance, making her shiver. "As it should." He kissed her passionately and she let out a soft moan as he rolled his hips, pressing his manhood against her entrance. "My sparkmate...I hope you will let me know what your job entails when we meet again."

Saphira didn't make a comment about that as she didn't want to think about it. She has not even checked her emails yet to see what she has received as she cared only about spending time with Optimus. She grinds her hips down and moaned when she felt his length push inside her canal. She grimaced slightly as she was still getting used to intimacy, but Optimus was quick to make her relax as he caressed her back and began to thrust slowly.

Sparks of pleasure spreads through her body and she shuddered in delight. " really have, uh, ooh...the, uh, magic touch," She managed to say as she had a hard time concentrating. "Mmm...I want this to last a long time."

"I know you do," Optimus responded in amusement and kissed her cheek happily. "As much as I want to give that to you, we both will need rest. I will keep going as much as I can until I need to get recharge."

Saphira just let out a little chuckle of amusement. She understood, even though she wanted this to last longer. She didn't say anything as she buried her head into the crook of his neck and nibbled his skin. Optimus land slightly to kiss her breasts. She let out soft moans as he was only humping slowly at this time, allowing her body to get used to having his manhood inside her.

However, Saphira soon whispered into his ear to go faster, and she was left in a moaning mess as he increased the speed of his humping. He caressed her breasts while they kissed passionately with their tongues fighting for dominance. Saphira felt the water splashing lightly around them and she was okay with it. She was keeping her whole attention on Optimus.

She loved him, and she was going to miss having him around. But she knew the place would look different when he sees her next. She knew she will be busy with other things for a while, but she intended on fixing the last part of the house and start building gardens and the chicken coop. But even if there wasn't much done, she would prefer to spend time with Optimus.

She held her arms around him as though she was terrified to let him go. And she was in a way. She could feel his love and reassurance through the bond and it was helping her to feel much better. She still did not know why she was the lucky one to meet the autobots. She knew she'd be at college if it weren't for them, and she was completely okay with it. She loved her life so much now.

She and Optimus kissed some more and she gazed into his optics. "I hope my dreams are filled with just us."

"Hmm, I am sure they will." He kissed her again with a low groan. "I know I will replay precious moments of our life together when I have a moment. And it will be like living a dream."

She chuckled softly. "I wish I could do that. It would be nice."

"A downside of being a human," Optimus joke lightly, tensing slightly and holding her against his body with a grunt.

Saphira shuddered as he got rougher with his humping, making her hold him tighter. "I...I-I love you, Optimus." She smiled at him briefly before she felt herself reaching her limit and shuddering with pleasure.

Optimus kissed her cheek before he too reached the height of his climax and groaned deeply. She smiled as she felt heat spreading in her lower stomach and she leaned against Optimus's body, kissing his neck happily. He held her and they both said nothing to each other, they just say there with the water around them.

They sat there for fifteen minutes before Optimus said something. "Allow me to help you wash your body before we take this to the bed."

Saphira grinned at him as he shifted her off him, making her whimper a little from feeling empty. Once he moved her to the side, he grabbed the shower head to rinse her hair and she allowed him to do so. Saphira was in heaven right now. The afterglow felt amazing, and she didn't want it to end. Optimus proceeded to shampoo and condition her hair before he rinsed it and helped Saphira out of the bath. Though they both quickly became entangled again when they were drying each other and Saphira dragged him to her bed where they would be intimate until the early hours of the morning when Saphira fell asleep from exhaustion, and Optimus was allowed to recharge.

Optimus was happy to spend tonight with his sparkmate. As when morning came, Optimus woke her up for her to say her farewells to the other autobots. She was extremely emotional as she hated being apart from them. They were her family after all, even though Lennox promised her that she would see them again soon. And they would leave her alone, and she would proceed to start the job that was given to her, along with dealing with the other properties she currently owns.

Hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know I've been having bad spats with insomnia for a while, which is why I've only been able to put out one chapter a day, or every two days. I apologize if the quality of my writing has slipped, but I am still wanting to write and put out the chapters for all of my stories. Happy reading!

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