Chapter 78

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After informing the autobots what Saphira and Simmons had learned from the cosmonauts, Barricade was now not so sure on whether Sentinel was really working with Megatron now. The evidence could suggest that, but it also suggests that the decepticons want to use Sentinel to complete their plan. So now it has really made him on the fence. But regardless, they were able to figure out Sentinel route based on the location of his signal. The autobots decided to wait for him, so Barricade pulled to the side of the road with the other autobots, and Simmons as well.

Ironhide, Ratchet and Wheeljack informed Saphira they will assist should they be needed. Especially as several decepticon signals have been detected approaching the city, meaning that things were now only getting hotter. Optimus was on his way into the city as well, but he was quite a bit behind Sentinel. Saphira had thought that was a little strange, but maybe Optimus had opted to follow behind him for a reason, and it wasn't something to be concerned about. But she still found it curious.

Saphira stood by the hood of Barricade's vehicle form as she dialled Mearing's number. She could see Sentinel approaching in the distance, and she knew that Mearing needed to know now. "I hope that woman listens to you about this. She seems to have a hard time with that."

Saphira smirked a little at Barricade's comment and placed the phone to her ear, listening to the other end ring while she waited patiently for the woman to pick up. And she did after a minute of ringing. "Saphira, this had better be important," Mearing said bluntly after answering the phone.

"It is extremely important, Mearing, otherwise I would not be calling you right now. You told me about needing to find answers in regard to Sentinel. I haven't found hard evidence if he is working with the decepticons, but I have found evidence in regards to what the decepticons want to do." Saphira looked at Sentinel as he approached and she walked over to Bumblebee. "We have just picked up Sentinel right now. Optimus is ten minutes behind. We're coming to NEST now, and I will explain on the way."

"Explain what, Miss Dawn?" Mearing was already irritated with the girl as she sounded like she had more important things to do. "I hope you realize you are only bothering me right now. Get to the point already."

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" Saphira opened the camaro door and slid inside. "I have had to deal with an idiot for the past couple hours trying to solve this issue, Mearing!"

"Don't take that tone with me, young lady!"

"Alright, fine!" She shook her head in irritation and took a deep breath. "Look, the whole thing has been a set up from the beginning. The All Spark, the Fallen, the Matrix...the whole thing has been a set up." Bumblebee drove from where he was parking with the other autobots to follow Sentinel along the highway. "The All Spark was likely just a tip of the iceburge of what they want to achieve. But they wanted Optimus to find Sentinel, because Optimus was the only one who can revive him due to the Matrix."

" were the one who found the Matrix in Egypt, Saphira," Mearing said in confusion as she listened to her. "Are you trying to say, that somehow, it was planned for this to happen? That, maybe, the All Spark wasn't the reason why they are here in the first place?"

"I don't know about the All Spark part, but it is possible. But Megatron would not have known that Optimus and I would become sparkmates until he was revived with the shard. However...without the Fallen's involvement, Megatron likely would not have cared." Thinking back to it all, and with her research from the information left to her by her grandfather, that there was transformer history alongside human history. And there was probably some kind of plan that has been in place for a long time. Megatron crashlanded in the ice many years ago...but...she didn't know if that was even by accident or on purpose now. "But without the Matrix, they couldn't revive Sentinel. So they forced me to find it, by killing Optimus and locating it so that it could be used to revive Sentinel. It seems like the decepticons are getting what they want in that way."

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