Chapter 36

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To say she was tense was an understatement, the bots were speeding back towards the pyramids to meet up with the military so they could reach Optimus. Saphira held the bag in her hand tightly, it was a grip she would not willingly loosen. Simmons glanced at the bag a few times, he had a lot of doubt whether or not Saphira could bring back Prime with the dust, but she had a lot of confidence that it would work. He didn't want to be the one to be negative, so he kept his mouth shut.

"Do you think the military will spot us?" Wheelie asked as he peered between the front seats, looking ahead of them as the bots approach the pyramids.

"They most likely will, Bee is pretty hard to miss," Simmons responded confidently. "I just hope no one else spots us at the same time. I noticed there is a strange F-22 hanging around in the sky."

Saphira glanced at Simmons in surprise and looked out the window, peering up into the sky. "I don't see anything."

"I can see it on my side, Saphira. You won't see it." Simmons gestured to the window and Wheelie moved to peer out the window. "Starscream is the only one I can think of who could be near."

"Oh no, he is right. I can see it too." Wheelie did not sound very excited by that at all. "I don't think he has seen us. He's not the sharpest decepticon, Megatron loves giving the bot a good thrashing whenever he gets a chance."

Saphira did not like the sound of that at all. "Hopefully, he stays stupid."

"I would not count on it. He did try to snag you in Mission City." Saphira never forgot that, it was very frightening and Starscream was very big. "And he's extremely loyal to his master, so I would expect him to try something again." Simmons hoped he was wrong though.

"I imagine Barricade can give him a good beating." Saphira looked ahead and blinked when she saw something being shot into the sky. "That's them over there, they popped a flare."

"Yeah, yeah, I see it!" Simmons exclaimed with a smile. "Alright, we are very close Bee. Take us over there."

"Right on course, captain," Bee responds through the radio, speeding up to get to the location as quickly as possible.

But as he did so, multiple missiles hit the ground around them. Saphira screamed and covered her ears due to the sound of the impact. The bots swerve to avoid being hit, Seymour yelped in fear as well as a missile hits right by the window and Bee's tyres were slightly airbourne for a brief moment from the blast. Saphira glanced out the window, the F-22 was circling them and firing more missiles at them and she ducked her head as one lands near them again.

"Lose him in the coal mine!" Simmons shouted, Saphira looked up in surprise and saw the mine next to the road. The bots drive off the road towards the massive mine. "He's coming around!"

Saphira clutched the bag tightly to her chest as she peered out of the window as the autobots drive into the mine, swerving and just barely avoided the hits of the missiles. Saphira braced herself against the seat to keep herself centred as the bots swerve. She saw Starscream flying down towards them, transforming and glaring at them gleefully.

"Oh shit!" Saphira screamed as Starscream lands in front of them.

"Got you!" Starscream declared gleefully, reaching down towards Bee to stop him. They hear a roar of an angry engine and a heavy thud, Starscream took a step back and glared. "Traitor!"

Saphira looked out the window as Barricade launched himself at Starscream, tackling the large bot and punching his face. "You dare try to attack me?! You are pathetic Starscream! You always have been!" He laughed at the bot and threw him over his shoulder. "You will never get past me!"

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