Chapter 9

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The doors slam open into a large room, Saphira gasped as she saw Bee was held on a large berth, icy sprays were still gushing at him to keep him from moving too much and she hated hearing the sounds of Bee's crying. He might not talk, but he could still definitely scream and cry in pain. Saphira yelled for the men in the room to stop and pull the guns down to stop freezing him. Banachek and Simmons order the men to stop what they are doing to Bee. They stop as ordered, but they act all confused as Saphira approached Bumblebee who exhaled a sigh of relief from his vents.

"Bumblebee..." The autobot turned his head and looked at her in surprise, shocked that she was here in the room with him. "I am so sorry...I hope you're okay. Those men did a real number huh?" Bumblebee glanced around and noticed the agents and soldiers, pulling his helmet down and arming his cannon. Saphira raised her hand, standing between Bumblebee and the men. "Relax Bee, I am sorry they hurt you. I heard your screams echoing through the halls and I wish I could have stopped this sooner. But guess what? The All Spark is here." Bumblebee stood up from the berth, still aiming his cannon at the men, he did glance at Saphira when she mentioned the All Spark. " is Megatron...he's still frozen in another room."

Bumblebee raised his helmet, gazing at Saphira in surprise knowing Megatron was practically in the room next door. "You have the enemy as your neighbor?" He asked through the radio, clearly unhappy knowing about this.

"Not me, they do..." Saphira gestured to Banachek and Simmons. "Anyway, do you hear that too..." The lights dim and shake as another explosion is heard from above. "It doesn't matter if Megatron is next door either because the decepticons are above our heads now. We need to get the Cube out of here. Can you do something about it?"

Bumblebee nodded while glaring down at the men, he knew they were the ones who hurt him. Except, he did notice the military soldiers who he did not recognize. William approached Saphira, looking up at Bumblebee. "So, uhh, your name is Bumblebee right?" He nodded to the man. "I am Captain William Lennox, Saphira told me good things about ya. I just hope she is right about it."

The autobot gave the man a thumbs up and walked towards the door, gesturing for the agents to lead the way to the Cube. Banachek and Simmons were silent this whole time, probably fuming their operation had not worked. That didn't matter to Saphira as she followed them to the Cube room. When the doors opened into the massive room, she glanced up at Bumblebee as he widened his eyes upon seeing the massive Cube. He could not believe what he was seeing right now as he approached the massive object. Saphira walked beside him, not knowing what he was about to do with the Cube. She watched him step up to the All Spark and raised his hands, murring softly as he did so. She wanted to ask what he was doing, but he was concentrating and placed his fingers on the corner of the Cube. He pressed something and a burst of blue energy covers the entire Cube. Saphira watched in disbelief as the Cube began to fold inward, block after block and it was sort of like a Rubik's Cube in a sense of how she was watching it. She had not realized it could transform too, and Saphira was mesmerized by it. Everyone else was too, they had not expected that the Cube could do this.

As the Cube eventually was small enough to be a large, square object as Bumblebee pats the surface of the Cube, making sure it was smooth, Saphira smiled at Bumblebee. "That has to be one of the most impossible things I never thought I could see happen."

Bumblebee huffed a laugh and looked down at her with a smile. "Not everything is impossible." He glanced towards the soldiers with the Cube in his hand. "Message from Starfleet, Captain. Let's get to it."

William nodded in agreement. "Yep, we know, if we stay here we're screwed with Megatron in the next hangar. Mission City is twenty-two miles away, we're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." He looked at Simmons and Keller with a stern, serious expression. "But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force."

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