Chapter 53

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Saphira had returned to the house with all of the documentations for the inheritance and keys for the properties. She sat in the living room with it all on the table, staring at it all in disbelief. She had never thought her grandfather had been that wealthy. She did not know what work he did, but whatever it was, it was lucrative. And it was the same work he had asked her to do when she was thirteen. She wished she knew that secret, it would make things easier in her mind. But maybe it would not either.

She definitely was going to need a day to process this information. And she was certain that when she arrived at the farmhouse and discovered what her new job would be, she would need time to process that as well. It certainly was going to be a massive lifestyle change in terms of wealth, but Saphira was used to living a simpler life. And she would likely be more like Everett. He might have really nice holiday homes, but she would live simply. She considered selling the other two farmhouses, as she would not likely use them.

But she had to think about it first and maybe go out the next day to process everything to access the wealth and have the properties put into her name. Right now, she had a lot of things going through her mind. Not just over the death of the twins, but also wondering what her grandfather did after his time serving in the military. She almost wanted to just take the keys and go to Texas right now. Though she would have to fly to Texas to get to the farmhouse, and she knew it.

Maybe I should start packing...

Even though Optimus has yet to return, she felt like she should make a start. Her new life was going to start soon. Again. She couldn't help but chuckle. She could count how many times on her fingers her life has taken a complete one-sixty. First, she met the autobots and she was pulled into saving the world from the decepticons, then she decided she would go to college to try and live a normal life, only for the decepticons to drag her back and Optimus was killed. It was at that point she had realized the feelings she had felt for Optimus were more than she had thought, and she used her determination to bring him back. And during these last six months, whenever he could, she and Optimus would spend time together and he would send little gifts.

And now, her life would change again, and not just because of the wealth. She no longer would be under NEST's protection, and she would have a job that had already been prepared for her to take on. And given the locations of the houses, Optimus would need to travel just to see her in Texas. She hummed and thought about buying a place in Washington, as she also considered selling the properties in New York and LA as well, she wasn't going to use them. At least, she did not think so.

But I will at least be Prime's sparkmate...that's another life change I have to deal with too.

She was excited for that and she squeezed her thighs together at the very thought of completing the bond. She has not really been told the exact details of what it is like to be a sparkmate to an autobot, but she did not mind. She wanted to find out, and she could not wait. She thought about how she would make it special for the both of them. It would be the first time they would actually be physically intimate, and she was nervous and excited for it at the same time.

Deciding it was best to start packing, Saphira made her way upstairs to grab her suitcases to begin packing her clothes. She did know she did not want to celebrate her birthday in this house, as much as it was nice. Sitting in the patio jacuzzi did sound like an ideal way to spend time with Optimus, but she did want to go to her grandfather's farmhouse. And she knew that it would be just as special of a time there.

Though as she was packing, she realized something. She had very little clothes that would show off her figure. She had not realized that until now. She used to be rather happy with the clothes she had, but she realized now she wanted something else. While she and Optimus may never go out and have a nice meal together, she knew that they could still do something in private. She thought about it and figured she might even go shopping.

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