Chapter 27

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Saphira had not noticed she had drifted off to sleep. It wasn't until Bee woke her up she had realized she had fallen asleep. She did not know what time she fell asleep, but she saw it was nearly six in the morning, the sky was still dim as the sun was slowly rising and Saphira realized she was still wearing the same outfit from the day before. She felt the need to get cleaned up, but she would have to wait. She saw Bee arriving at a cemetery, which was a surprise to her.

"Why are we here?" Saphira asked as she glanced around. "This does not seem like the place to talk about something important."

"We had to in order to talk with you," Bee responded through the radio.

She blinked in surprise. "Let me guess, Lennox doesn't know you're here." She felt herself nearly hitch her breath when she saw Optimus waiting patiently. "Oh, I see. Something must have happened."

Bee said nothing as he came to a stop. Saphira sighed deeply, she didn't know if she wanted to know whatever news they had or not, but she stepped out of the Camaro anyway. She didn't bother putting her heels back on, she walked around Bee barefoot and Optimus seemed to raise an eyebrow slightly when she approached him.

"A few days before college, and you show up," Saphira said in an irritated voice. "You couldn't even give me my first week of college to come and see me. This is not what we agreed to Optimus."

"I am sorry, Saphira," Optimus responded gently, dropping to one knee to gaze at her more closely. "We had to come because it is necessary. The last fragment of the All Spark was stolen."

Saphira widened her eyes in surprise at that news. "Oh, really? Did the decepticons steal it or something?" Optimus nodded slowly. "Huh, I guess the new containment facility the government locked it in wasn't as good as they thought it was."

"It seems so. We placed it under human protection at your government's request," Optimus explained softly as Saphira rested against a stone pillar. "However, I am here for your help, Saphira."

"Me? My help?" Saphira was really taken aback by this and sighed deeply. "Optimus, I am not sure what help I can be."

Optimus exhaled gently through his vents, he understood her reluctance. "It is because your leaders believe we brought vengeance upon your planet. Perhaps they are right." He turned his gaze away from Saphira briefly as he spoke before looking back at her. "That is why they must be reminded by another human being of the trust we share."

Saphira shakes her head slightly at him. "I am not sure how much help I can be, Optimus. I am a college kid, and most people don't take someone as young as I am seriously. And...this isn't my war. I never asked to be in one previously, I don't want to be in another."

"I understand you are afraid of war, you went through something someone as young as you should not have," Optimus said in a sincere, understanding tone. "I do not blame you for wanting a peaceful life. However, understand that the war against us now is a war against you. All humans on this planet are at war with the decepticons now."

"And how am I supposed to help exactly?" Saphira asked curiously.

"Your world must not share the same fate as Cybertron, we received a warning from a decepticon on a more recent raid regarding the Fallen rising again," Optimus explained. There it is again about the Fallen. "It seems Barricade's words are coming to pass. I cannot help but wonder what more he knows."

"He said there is a second shard somewhere..." Saphira froze as soon as those words left her mouth. Optimus narrowed his eyes as he heard her and looked at her curiously. " did pay a visit the day before I flew here to Princeton."

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