Chapter 77

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Looking for the Russian cosmonauts in the city took a bit more time than Saphira had expected. Dutch was able to find the different hideouts that the cosmonauts enjoyed, but each time they stopped there to wait, he seemed to figure out that the cosmonauts were not going to these locations. She honestly did not know how he was able to do that. But it was clear he had experience, and Simmons had hired him for that reason. So she could not exactly blame Simmons for hiring such a man. He clearly was useful to him, and Dutch did not mind getting involved with the autobots, since he was working for Simmons.

However, it seemed they eventually found the right location, and they had set up waiting for the cosmonauts to arrive nearby. Though she did not know how long it was even going to take for these men to show up. Saphira had started to feel a little irritated while she was waiting, and her stomach was twisting uncomfortably and threatening to make her feel nauseous. It was extremely annoying to her, and she did not want to be dealing with that right now. Especially since she has not eaten anything for a few hours.

Simmons was holding up a pair of binoculars as he was intent on watching, but he lowered them for a moment and looked at Saphira, noticing that she was looking out the other window with a frown. And she seemed paler than normal. "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

She looked at him in surprise and frowned. "What? That's a bit strange of you to ask me right now. I feel fine. Maybe a little impatient, but I feel pretty much fine."

"Hmm...okay..." The man shrugged, even if he seemed to be a bit unconvinced. "You know, with this whole moon business, I haven't had a chance to ask how things are going with you." She rolled her eyes and looked out the window again. "I know you still don't like me, because of what I did a few years ago when I worked for Sector Seven, but you clearly like me enough or you wouldn't be coming to me for help."

She grimaced and let out a light chuckle. "Seymour, your expertise is literally the only reason I come to you for help." She looked at him before gesturing between him and herself. "We are not friends. We never were. We are just acquaintances, that is all we are."

"Even as an acquaintance, I am still curious. You inherited your grandfather's business and wealth, so I imagine things have changed for you." She shook her head as she did not feel it did. "I see...well, to be fair, I look at you and I don't think you are rich. You clearly have a lot more humbleness than I do. I mean..." He stretched out his arms and gestured to the Maybach. "Look at this car. This thing costs a lot of money! And, well, Dutch isn't cheap to keep around either."

Dutch smirked a little and glanced at Seymour. "And I fully appreciate the wage that you pay to my pockets every week, Mr Simmons."

Simmons rolled his eyes in amusement at the man and looked at Saphira. "So, you already know I'm a bit crazy now that I have money." She raised an eyebrow as she always thought he was crazy. " are things between you and Optimus? Aside from the whole Sentinel issue, of course. I imagine you both are still madly in love."

She nodded and smiled a little. "Yeah...we are...though with all the missions NEST has forced him to take, we haven't spent as much time as we would like to. Especially since...well...Optimus really wants a sparkling."

"A sparkling, hey?" Seymour tilts his head a little as he observed Saphira curiously. "And you are sure you are not carrying one right now?" She frowned at him and rolled her eyes. "I mean, I am not sure you know this, but there is always a certain spark in a woman's eyes that indicate a pregnancy, and there are other subtle signs..."

"And you are an expert, how?" Saphira was very curious about why Seymour seemed to think this, even though he wasn't the only one to loudly assume she is pregnant.

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