Chapter 68

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The next day Saphira woke up feeling curious. The day before had revealed quite a lot about the potential suspicions surrounding the Apollo Mission. Saphira knew that she needed to know more. And she wasn't able to get answers from Cogman about it, which was upsetting. It might be her job to do it, but she wanted some help. But she was pretty much on her own in finding out more it would seem. Aside from the fact she was curious, she had felt nauseous upon waking up, but she didn't feel the need to run to the bathroom, which she was happy with. She ate a green apple and felt a lot better before having some boiled eggs and toast. She used that time of the morning to read through the history of the Apollo Mission to see if she could find anything useful.

She searched up the names of the individuals that were listed in Jerry's notes, and she could mostly find articles about their deaths. She couldn't find any public autopsy reports about them, or even if they had family. She wasn't entirely surprised though, because the internet wasn't publicly used back in the 80's. And if there was information about these people, it was either locked behind government doors or the information was destroyed. Regardless, Saphira needed to know more about this and she looked at the information she had on other people she had suspected to be working with the decepticons.

But Saphira eventually found she was at a dead end. There was literally no other evidence than what she had now. She knew that NEST was going to be asking her about where she found the evidence, even though she could not say. Especially when she tries to warn Optimus. And he was set to arrive tomorrow, and she was very excited about it. But now was the time to head to NEST, and she knew it. She had to give them the information she has learned so that they could be prepared for what is coming. She did not know if they would believe her though.

Saphira got changed into a nice blouse and jeans before she left her apartment. She carried a folder that she had placed the evidence into. She made sure to bring the lens as well so that Brains and Wheelie could keep an eye her while she drove through the city to the base. She didn't think anything would happen, but there was always a chance whenever she left the apartment, and she knew it. For all she knew, Dylan Gould could follow her around as well. And she wasn't entirely happy about that idea either, so she would have to be careful.

After she reached her Mercedes, she drove out of the apartment lot onto the streets. The NEST base would take some time to reach, so Saphira put on some music to listen and sing to. She also felt mild anger coming from Optimus. It seemed he was still fuming about something and she was worried about it. Whatever it was, it was affecting him quite a lot. She could not recall if she remembers anything that affected him like this, but she wasn't bonded to him the whole time, so she didn't know. Maybe when he first arrived on Earth, but that was hard to know.

Saphira was about ten minutes into her drive and she was stopped at a red light. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she hummed to the music. And just as the lights turned green, Saphira screamed as bullets spray through the back window of her car, making her slam on the accelerator in response. Thankfully, no other cars were in front of her, but she was very alarmed. She sped away from the bullets and glanced at the rear view and sideview mirrors. She widened her eyes as she could just see Laserbeak flying after her.


She tensed as more bullets were fired upon her car, and she saw people around her panicking as they had seen Laserbeak, and they also were hearing the bullets being shot at Saphira's car. She could not help but speed up and weave between cars. She wasn't about to allow Laserbeak to kill her right at this moment. Not while she could outrun him. Or at least, she could try to. And she had no choice but to speed through red lights as Laserbeak continued to shoot at the car, trying to either kill her or blow a tyre. Whichever, he was missing.

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