Chapter 82

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Saphira did not say much during the whole flight to Orlando. She practically avoided conversation with Mearing, even though the woman tried to pick up a conversation with her. But Saphira's mind was too focused on other things to even care about giving Mearing the respect to even have a conversation with her. Mearing eventually had gotten the message, and stopped trying. Saphira was too upset to want to have a conversation. Her mind was on Optimus. He and the autobots were being directed to Orlando right now, and she really did not want to have to say goodbye. She honestly was hoping this was a bad dream.

When the jet landed, Saphira had not even realized the time had passed. Her mind was so focused on her pain and thoughts that it felt as though she only blinked, and they were in Florida right now. Saphira honestly did not want to get off the jet. She wanted to make the pilot take her back to Washington. She didn't want to be here. But she knew she would regret it. Especially since she was handcuffed by the decepticons right now. So she forced herself to get out of the jet and get in a black SUV to be driven to the space centre.

Saphira stared out the window. She had once wanted to come to Florida. There were a lot of attractions here she has wanted to experience. Disney World and Universal were on the top of her list. But it felt like those dreams have been touched by poison now that she was here. She just wanted to leave as it felt like she was being suffocated. And there was no way out of this right now, and she wanted to get out of the corner she had been forced into.

Mearing looked at the rear view mirror, gazing at Saphira with a sad expression knowing this girl was silently suffering because of this. "I hope you know that I am on your side, Saphira. I just don't have the power you think I do. I cannot stop this from happening." Saphira heard the woman, but she did not respond. "I will at least make sure that you are under constant protection, Saphira. You at least deserve that much."

I deserve Optimus to stay...I don't care about anything else...

Saphira kept her mouth shut the whole car ride to the space centre, and Mearing knew that Saphira probably won't say anything until they got there. She knew the wreckers a little bit. She had not spent much time with them, but Leadfoot, Topspin and Roadbuster were friendly with Saphira. They just cause too much trouble to be left unsupervised, which was why they were sent to look after the Xantium. They had helped to build it, after all.

When they finally arrived at the launch site, Saphira smiled a little when she spotted the three wreckers, and she got out of the car. They looked like they were moving something towards the ship, that was already ready to launch with a shuttle attached to it. Saphira walked towards them, hearing them ranting and throwing insults at the people who were there trying to help them. And yet, Saphira knew she was going to miss their personality. They might be assholes, but they weren't terrible.

"Saphira!" Leadfoot exclaimed as he glanced up from insulting one of the men and smiled when he saw her approaching. "It has been quite sometime since we last saw you." She smiled back at him sadly, and he softened his expression. "This is not quite the reunion we had expected."

Saphira nodded in agreement as she walked up closer to them. "I know...and...I wish there was something I could do to stop it." She looked up at them. "And...I kind of wish I spent more time with you guys. You're a bit rough around the edges, but at least we would be friends."

Topspin smiled as he crouched a little as he looked down at her. "Don't have any hard feelings, young lady. This was not your doing." He watched Saphira let out a soft sob as she listened to him. "It has been a real pleasure knowing you, Saphira. Regardless of how short our time has been on this planet. You became a sparkmate to Optimus, and that is something we respect greatly."

"And you have shown so much courage and humbleness like a Prime. We have so much respect for you, Saphira, and we are honoured to have known you," Roadbuster said gently as he stepped off the platform and crouched in front of her. "I know you are hurting. is understandable. But you are strong."

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