Chapter 75

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When the next morning came around, Saphira ended up waking earlier than she normally would. Mostly because she had a lot on her mind, and it made her sleep quite unsettled. Whether it was by his intention or not, Sentinel Prime had said things the previous night that gave Saphira a lot to think about. And she really needed to get to the bottom of it. She was lucky to be given autobot protection, which meant she could choose any of the autobots to tag along with her. She knew which autobot to pick. She did think about asking if she could also have Wheelie and Brains tag along too, but she guessed that it might not be something that Mearing would allow

Saphira ended up packing up before any of the autobots finished recharging. She didn't bother eating as she was feeling nauseous again, and she wanted to get back to her apartment for a shower anyway. With the tent and sleeping bag packed away, Saphira put the sleeping bag over her shoulder, grabbed the tent and her other bag before making her way to the parking space. She didn't take long to make it back to the autobots. She smiled slightly as she saw them, even though she felt very uncertain by the future.

Barricade's door opened and she saw his holoform step out, looking at her with a surprised expression. "Saphira? You are up rather early. I would have expected you to still be sleeping."

"Yeah, but..." Saphira shrugged a little as she approached him. "I wanted to get things packed early. I kind of want to get back to the apartment to wash up. And..." Saphira side glances at Sentinel for a moment. "There are things that I feel like I should do. And since Mearing's given me the chance to have autobot protection, I would not mind it if you and, or Bee tag along with me."

Barricade noticed Saphira's subtle glance in Sentinel's direction. He realized she has noticed something, and that made him happy she realized. "Of course. I will definitely come with you, Saphira." He grabbed both bags from her hands and turned to walk back to the trunk, opening it before he reached it. "Optimus told us that he and Sentinel will be spending a bit of time together, so we can definitely have a bit of time together. Especially if it is about some research."

"He told me the same." Saphira walked over to the back of the challenger to place her sleeping bag into it. "But..." She looked over to the peterbilt curiously as she noticed Optimus had not noticed her yet. But she could sense he was sleeping. "I need to wake up my sparkmate before we go. I don't want to leave without him greeting me this morning, and giving me his attention."

Barricade just grinned as he fully understood her desire. "You might as well climb into the cab. He might appreciate the way to wake up."

"Good idea." Saphira walked over to the truck with a smile and opened the door before climbing inside. She was immediately welcomed into a naturally warm cab, and she could not help but relax in the seat as she got herself comfortable after closing the door. She thought about how she was going to wake Optimus up from his recharge before she decided to crawl into the backseat to lay down. The feeling of her nausea faded slightly too, which she appreciated. Once she was laying on the seat, Saphira arched her back for a moment and rubbed the seats gently. "Optimus..." No response. "Optimus, it is morning. You can't be that tired. I didn't know you would be a heavy recharger."

There was no response, so Saphira decided a different tactic. Using her bond. She thought about it before sending deep love through the bond. She felt a ripple in response to her love and she smiled as she felt a sense of love returning to her, along with something else that made her blush a little. She waited while she kept sending love and she gently tapped her foot on the seat in case he did wake up and not realize she was there right away.

"Optimus, wake up." She did not mind repeating as she was finding this amusing as well. "I am sitting here, waiting for you to wake up." Still nothing, but she was certain he was starting to stir at this point. "Optimus."

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