Chapter 72

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Saphira was sitting on Barricade's shoulder as they both wait for the autobots to return. She thought the Xantium would be landing back at base, but there wasn't any room for the ship to land apparently, so it was going to land somewhere else, and the wreckers would move it either back to the base, or to a different location. Most likely where they themselves were kept occupied as they were the ones who worked on the ship over the last year. She had wondered if the bots were ever tempted to use the ship to just leave the planet, but with no other world to go to, they likely wanted to stay. Plus, the ship was not yet equipped with oxygen, so she could not go with them.

Barricade was fuming as he glared at the sky. He was still feeling the weight of not being believed. While Saphira did believe him, he knew that she wanted to believe that Sentinel would not go through with whatever plan he and Megatron had conspired together. Maybe he could, but Barricade would remain on the fence until he sees proof of that. He just felt as though he was pushed aside for the moment.

Saphira took a deep breath and looked at Barricade with a kind expression. "You know no one here hates you, Barricade. Everyone is happy that you are on the side of the autobots. You changed your life around, even if it was because you liked me." He turned his head slightly, looking at her with his ruby, red optics. "But I am sure you understand their position."

"I do...and it is also frustrating." Barricade lifts his hand to his head to rub. He was currently sitting down as they wait for Optimus to return. "But...I will not do anything to Sentinel. I can definitely promise that. But if he does something that makes me suspect he is still working with Megatron, I am not sure if I can stop myself."

"I know. But you should be patient, Barricade. We have to see how things go before we make any kind of conclusion about Sentinel. Though try not to hover all the time, it will just give away your suspicions of Sentinel. I highly doubt that you would be able to fool him." Barricade did not doubt that too. He simply smiled a little at Saphira before he looked away from her.

"I am curious about what he is like. I have heard he is extremely wise, and he's a great warrior. If he does choose to not go through with his plan with Megatron, he would be quite the bot to listen to. He has a lot of things that he could say." Barricade rubbed his chin thoughtfully and looked at Saphira. "There's another thing that will be interesting. I wonder how he will react when he finds out that you are Optimus's sparkmate."

Saphira had not really thought about that. She knew that Sentinel would not be able to do anything about the fact that she and Optimus are sparkmates, but if he is against it, she hoped it would not turn ugly. She already had Mearing ask her about being pregnant which is something she didn't believe. She did place a hand on her stomach as she did want to have a sparkling eventually, but she didn't think she was right now.

"Regardless of what he might think, I think he would respect Optimus's decision. At least, I hope he does...well, we will find out soon." Saphira looked up as she still wondered what Optimus was thinking. She could still feel his relief of finding Sentinel, and she was happy he felt that way. But she still had not idea what would happen. "But if he does happen to want to keep going forward with his plan, maybe we can change his mind. I know the part of you that wants to kill him is probably your decepticon side showing, but he should be given a chance."

"Yeah...maybe..." Barricade still felt otherwise, but he knew his place. "I do expect that Sentinel is going to be extremely confused upon waking up. He has been offline for many long years. I am not sure what he expected when he left Cybertron, but..." He paused as he heard the sound of engines approaching the base and looked towards the gate. "Hmm, seems like they have finally arrived. I don't know about you, but this felt like it dragged on for a lot longer than it probably has."

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