Chapter 63

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One Year Later...

Twelve months has passed since Saphira received her grandfather's wealth and estate, and she has been working on keeping an eye on key people who could be working for the decepticons. Edmund had given her a list, and he had also been dropping hints on someone he is keeping an eye on who might be important in the future. There was a lot of people that Edmund had listed, but the one that really has her curious is a company who works closely to NASA. And his main office was in Washington D.C. She found that quite curious. However, she could only keep an eye and drop hints to Lennox and the autobots.

So far, nothing has really come out of it, which was somewhat disappointing. But Saphira knew it would take a while before the military have to arrest someone for working for the decepticons. It was somewhat frustrating to not come out and say it straight out so these people can get arrested, or at least, investigated. But Edmund gave her a lot of advice, and while she still hated not telling the truth to Lennox and the autobots, she understood the reason.

Saphira had managed to sell seven properties during the last year, and the only properties she still owned from the will are the properties in London, Paris and the farmhouse. She didn't need any of the other properties, and she didn't have an interest in renting them out. She kept the Paris and London property for other reason. The Paris property was a penthouse with a view of the Eiffel Tower, and she had talked with Optimus about spending time there. He liked the idea, but they could not find the time. The London apartment she owned was in case she needed to travel to England in the future. She had a feeling she would need to.

She did purchase an apartment in Washington as well. She kept her word on doing that, and she actually bought the apartment eight months ago, and she found herself traversing between the farm and the apartment regularly. She knew it was partly annoying to NEST, but she and Optimus had made the most of their time together. Whenever they had time to spare, they would go and do something together. Usually it was a picnic somewhere, but it was always a great time to spend together.

And she was in the apartment right now. It was a few days after her nineteenth birthday. She was laying in a king-size bed, and she was slowly waking up. A muscular, protective arm was wrapped around her waist and she smiled at she felt gentle lips kissing the back of her neck as she woke up. She and Optimus had been spending the last few days together as he was set to leave the country again with Lennox over to Ukraine for another mission.

She rolled onto her back and looked into the bright, blue optics of her beloved sparkmate. He kissed her lips and she moaned softly as she kissed him back passionately. Her body was filled with the memory of the previous night's intimacy, and she loved remembering his gentle caress of her body. "Good morning, my sweet gem. It is hard to believe another year has gone by, and you are just as beautiful are you were yesterday."

She giggled softly as she pressed herself against his strong body. "I know. Time really flies when we are busy. But I am glad we were able to make time together again, Optimus. I love you so much." She kissed him again and he gently groaned against her lips. "Too bad you have to go back to NEST later today. I wish the others were able to come and visit for my birthday."

"I know. But Lennox could only negotiate for one of us to visit you this time. Bumblebee really was unhappy to left out." He kissed her again. "Though I know Wheelie and Brains are coming over after I leave. You'll probably have them around for a while."

"That is nice...but...I will be heading back to Texas in a few days," Saphira said softly as she rubbed his cheek gently. She smiled at him before her smile fades. "We never have enough time together."

"I know." He rubbed her bottom lip gently with his thumb and kissed her again. "I do believe that the government has been fairer to us than we first believed, though. We have spent more time together than I had first believed. I know that Lennox is the only one who really knows of our relationship, Mearing suspects it, but she does not believe it. The military is aware of our romance, they just don't know how close we are."

Heart of a PrimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora