Chapter 39

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Laying in the medical ward was a little boring. Saphira had been fully examined by the doctors and she was laying in a medical ward on the aircraft carrier that was taking everyone home to the US. She was staring at the ceiling, she was feeling worried about the future. She knew she was lucky to be alive, she had bandages on her shoulders, a pad on her side and she thankfully did not need surgery for her ribs. There was no serious puncture, and it would heal on its own. She just had to be medicated, the burn Fallen gave her was already infected and she would be on antibiotics for a while.

"Well, well, well, it seems you are going to make a full recovery." Saphira turned her head and smiled slightly when she saw Simmons entering the ward. "How are you feeling kid?"

"Like I've been thrown into multiple walls and rammed by tanks," She responded sarcastically, getting a light chuckle from Simmons. "I am not really worried about that."

Simmons raised an eyebrow. "Ah, I see. You're worried about what to do when we get home." She nodded silently. "Hmm...I don't think you need to worry about that. I, on the other hand, I got home with a bit of compensation for my trouble. I still don't get a job in the government again."

"You'll figure something out," Saphira said softly. "For me...I don't even know. My college is already gone before it started...and everything else...aside from the autobots, I feel like my life might fall apart."

"Hey, you haven't even hit eighteen yet and you're already talking about your life falling apart?" Simmons smiled at her and chuckled softly. "Your life isn't falling apart. It is just beginning. I admire you though..." She raised an eyebrow at him as she thought he was joking. "I'm not kidding, Saphira. You are mature beyond your years, I suppose your parents somewhat helped with that in a twisted way by only providing the bare minimum for you. You have handled this whole thing a lot better than I have. No wonder the autobots seem to trust you more than the military."

"They trust me more?" Saphira was surprised by that, but that made her feel good as well. "Fair enough, the government is probably the part they trust the least."

"You got that right." Simmons nodded and turned his head when the door to the ward opens. "Ah, Major Lennox. I hope your briefing was a success."

Lennox smiled slightly at him. "It was. I just came in to make sure you weren't doing anything funny to Saphira."

The man scoffed and rolled his eyes. "As if I would ever do that."

Will shakes his head at him. "If you don't mind, I need to speak with Saphira." The man nodded with a smile. "Privately."

"Alright...I'll go. See you later, Saphira." Simmons waved at her and turned to leave the ward. "Rest easy and heal quickly."

Saphira watched Simmons leave as Will grabbed a chair to sit by the bed. She didn't know if this was bad or not as she looked at Simmons with a worried expression. "Is it bad news, or something?"

"Not really." The man shrugged a little, although he seemed to want to be honest about it. "I have been talking with my superiors, it has been agreed that you will be placed under NEST protection." She smiled slightly at that, though she didn't know what that meant. "We know you can't go back to Princeton, but you will be able to do college online. A house will be prepared for you to live in."

"Where will the house be?" Saphira asked curiously. "And what about when I turn eighteen? My grandfather's will..."

"I contacted a trustee, and they said that it is protected. The person who is safeguarding the inheritance for you refuses to allow anyone else to touch it. So, as far as well, it is safe." She felt some relieve hearing that, it was good to know. "And your bank account is not closed down, so the savings you have in there is safe. Though, the house that will be prepared for you will be temporary until you receive the inheritance. The house will be within the NEST base radius."

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