Chapter 71

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Sitting on Barricade's shoulder, Saphira watched as the Xantium lifts off from the ground. Inside it carried Optimus, Ratchet and several human robots that would accompany them to the crash site on the Moon. Saphira was still feeling frustrated by all this. Saphira knew that Optimus wanted nothing more than to bring his mentor to the planet. But Saphira still felt it could be a bad idea. Even if Sentinel no longer decides to go through with the whatever plan he and Megatron had planned, that did also mean he could go through with it.

"This is such a mistake," Barricade comments as he watched the ship flying higher into the sky. "I am glad that someone believes me." He turned his head to look at Saphira with a kind expression. "I just wish that Optimus believed your word over his desire to bring his former mentor back. Sparkmates are far more important."

"I know...but Optimus is...I feel his feelings, and he is excited, nervous and worried at the same time. I know he still has reservations about reaching the Ark, but...I guess we just go with the flow." She looked down for a moment and looked at Barricade's red optics. "I am sorry that I wasn't able to convince him. At least if shit ends up happening, you have every right to say I told you so."

"I really do not want to do that...but you should not be apologizing. Optimus will need to be on his knees and apologizing to you if things do go south, which I fear that they will." Barricade smirked a little as Saphira nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should go for a drive. It would be a nice distraction."

She shook her head. "No...I don't want to go anywhere. I am staying right here." She looked away from him to look at Bumblebee, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Dino and Wheeljack who were watching the ship nearby. "Even if I don't agree that Optimus is doing this, I still want to be here to support him. Plus..." She side eyes the former decepticon with a smirk. "Going for a drive could be interpreted as you hitting on me. I know you still like me."

Barricade rolled his optics with a slight chuckle. "Yeah...I guess that is true..." He rubbed the back of his neck gently before he shrugged. "There is no harm in going for a drive though. I have long accepted that you are not going to be my sparkmate. And I am okay with that now. I love you as a friend now, Saphira. You were really the only one to trust me before the autobots did. And I won't forget that."

She smiled at him as she grateful to hear that. "I know I had a lot of time trusting you, but when you showed up as my old rental was being shot up by my kitchen appliances after I touched that shard and asked no questions as you protected me from them, I realized that you did want to help. Especially when Megatron had me captured from college and had my body pinned under him." She shuddered as she thought about that memory, but she felt her stomach churning uncomfortably now. "Oh...I should not have thought of that..."

Barricade gave her a curious look as she covered her mouth suddenly. "Oh, why is that?" She gagged suddenly and gave him a look that made him realize she was about to be sick. "Oh, right!" He quickly and carefully removed her from his shoulder and placed her on the ground. Ironhide and Bumblebee look over as Saphira ran over to the nearby garden. "I can't say I blame you, but..." Barricade grimaced as Saphira reached one of the bushes and began to heave heavily into the garden. "Wow, it made you sick real bad."

Lennox was walking back inside to monitor the autobots after watching the ship take off, and he ran over to Saphira after he spotted her vomiting in the garden. "Woah, easy there." He placed his hand on her back to rub gently in the hopes of soothing her. "Let it all out." He looked up as Bumblebee walked over with a worried expression. "Don't worry, Bee. Saphira should feel better when she lets it all out."

"Did you do something?" Ironhide asked Barricade with a curious expression.

Barricade shook his head immediately. "Absolutely not! We were just talking about how she trusted me before you all did. And she ended up remembering how Megatron had her captured from college...and that he had her pinned under him...which the memory seemed to have made her sick."

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