Chapter 30

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Frozen. That is how she felt at the moment. Bumblebee drove through Princeton with the twins and Barricade following, they were all silent as they head to her garage. When he turned into the driveway, she simply pressed the button to open the garage, her mind was all a blur right now. She barely acknowledged that she was at the garage. Her mind was completely on Optimus right now. She longed to be by him right now, to caress his cheek and lay on his chest...that was what she wanted to do the most right now. All the regret and pain she was feeling pretty much overwhelmed her.

"Saphira." Bee's holoform formed beside her and he gazed at her with sad eyes. "Saphira." She did not respond to him, only stare out the windscreen. He let out a heavy sigh and he opened the passenger door. "We are in the garage now. We are safe, for now." She again, did not respond. Bee shakes his head sadly. He moved around to the other side of the Camaro, glancing at the twins and Barricade who were all standing outside their alt forms in their holoforms and peered into the car. "Come on, let's get out." He extended his arm around Saphira's shoulder and gently helped her from the car. She managed to respond and stand from the car, gazing around the garage slowly, as if expecting Optimus to be in here with them. "I see you managed to find a way around the rule of no cars at college."

Saphira turned her head to look at Bee as tears fell from her eyes. "Are you going to focus on that?" She asked with a frown, sniffling slightly as her bottom lip trembled.

Bee shakes his head. "There is no point getting mad for something I had suspected you did already. I appreciate that you were thinking of me as well, though. There are bigger things now than this garage."

She nodded and walked away from him to head to her room. Barricade walked towards her slowly and she glanced up at him with a slight frown. "I apologize for not being able to stop what has happened. I was so close to bringing Grindor down, and Starscream got the better of both myself and Bumblebee..." She just nodded to him slightly. He placed a hand on her shoulder gently as she moved to walk past him. "I know it is early, but I know we will get through this."

"Maybe..." She mumbled, shrugging his hand off her shoulder and walking into her small room and grabbing the remote, turning on the TV. She saw the news was full of reports of things happening around the world and dropped onto the couch. She sighed and buried her face into her hands. "This is all my fault."

"What makes you say that?" Bumblebee sat next to her as he followed her, as did the others to ensure she was okay.

"I wasn't honest..." Saphira glanced towards the desk and pointed at it. "The shard is in a small container in the first drawer underneath some journals. You might as well take it."

Bumblebee looked at it and Barricade walked over to it, opening it and grabbing the cannister out. "I don't think it matters much now," Barricade said as he looked at it, sensing the shard inside it. "It is no longer valuable. You are valuable to the decepticons now."

"Man, I dunno how dis dude can just change sides like that!" Skids said with a frown, placing his hands on his hips as Barricade looked at the twins with a frown. "You done nothin' but bad."

"I know, that is why I was free to change sides when Megatron was killed. I wanted to stop living a life of hate and war long ago." Barricade looked at Bee with a slight smile. "I know Optimus was surprised to sense my presence and hear me tell you all where she was, but I want nothing more than to help you. I hope now you will welcome my help and presence, I understand my past will always hang over my head. But, I am here because I want to move on from Cybertron."

"But...they're going after energon," Saphira said with a frown.

"Partially because it will feed a new army they have been trying to spawn for many years. We are here because Megatron was influenced by the Fallen and another to come to Earth with the belief we can save Cybertron. Sentinel Prime..."

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