Chapter 67

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Upon arriving at the car lot, Saphira got out of her car after she parked it and made her way to the salon. She did glance around briefly to see if she could spot the Mazda, but nothing so far. Not that she cared for the time being. She was going to be here for a few hours getting her hair done., so if Jerry wanted to waste his time, that was not her problem by a long shot. She made her way into the salon and informed the workers who she was and the appointment time.

When she got settled in, Saphira simply sat there as she chatted with her hair stylist as they got to work on her hair. They just spoke about general things, and it was a rather nice time. Saphira knew that Barricade and the scrap bots might end up being pretty bored about this very quickly as they would only be staring at the mirror like she was. But they also would get to see how things went with her hair.

It would take a few hours. And when she had the time, Saphira would glance at the window a few times in case Jerry was there, and she never saw him. Maybe he was no longer required, or he wasn't stupid. She didn't allow this thought enter her mind as she wanted to enjoy her time that afternoon. With the trim and treatment she was getting, she was also getting a balayage. She had gone with a dark blue color, and Saphira was really looking forward to how it would look in her hair.

The hours pass by and it was late afternoon by the time her hair was finished, and she was extremely happy with the result. She looked how natural the dark blue looked in her hair and she couldn't wait to show it to Optimus. She paid for the appointment before she walked out of the salon. When she did so, she noticed a white Mazda parked by her car.

Great...that must be him.

Saphira tugged at her purse uncertainly as she observed where he was parked. He had reversed into the park beside hers with both driver side doors beside each other. And the man was sitting in his car, watching her intensely. Now this really seemed like he was going to try and nab her, but she wasn't entirely sure. However, he looked nervous. And he gestured for her to come closer.

Is this man crazy or something?

Saphira didn't know what to think at the moment. She sighed as she reached into her bag to grab the handgun she still had with her. She walked towards her car cautiously, glancing around at the lot to make sure that no one will notice as this was very awkward for her as well. Her heart was racing at the moment, and she had so many thoughts going through her mind right now. She hoped this would not turn sour.

She walked between the two cars and pulled her gun out, hiding it against her handbag, but Jerry was able to see it as he winds down his window. "I'm just going to make this real simple for you. I know you have been a creepy, stalker for a few days and I am not going to take chances with you. I don't think..."

"Get in your car!" Jerry snapped in irritation at the girl.


"Do you want to be dead today?" Jerry asked as he narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm already a dead man, but I don't think I have to take you with me. Get in your car and act natural." Her frown deepened as she listened to him' "Damn it, just get in your car! I am doing you a fucking favor!"

Saphira was still suspicious, but she got into her car anyway and turned on her car before winding her window down. "Alright, is this better?" The man nodded as he looked around nervously. "Why the fuck have you been stalking me, huh? What is your motive? Or, should I say, what is Megatron's motive?"

Jerry looked at her with a worried frown and looked away again. "You had your face plastered across the entire world a year ago. You became wanted because aliens invaded our planet. And you were in Egypt, right?" Saphira placed her fingers on the trigger as she did not like what she was hearing. "Don't answer, we both already know it. But something else is coming. I can't go to the government, they watch and listen to my every move. But you can."

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