So Manav decided to leave for Mumbai as soon as possible because he wanted to see his brother for the last time. So when Manav was making arrangements for the means of travel,Mehar was packing important goods to take with.

Neither Mahesh nor Smita knew when they reached at the place where their son was sleeping peacefully. They wanted to ran toward the sleeping figure lying on the centre of the ground, surrounded by many people but they couldn't because some uniformed man didn't see them important enough to allow them to meet their son.Manav and Mehar were shouting and crying at the same time at the officers telling them they are family when Mahesh collapsed on the ground but Smita didn't know because all she could think that her son was lying behind the wall of those man .She wanted to run toward him. She had strange feeling that everyone was lying.That her son couldn't die .He just needed her.When she put his head in her lap he would wake up .

Everything was blur dream for them with many uniformed officers, different camera and reporter capturing things and blabbering something.The hustle bustle of the people and sound with sad faces .Some of them were trying to stop them,some of them were asking different questions,some of them were trying to disperse the crowd and were attending Mahesh. And Suddenly everything had stopped because a someone's very low voice came,somehow that low sound was louder than anyone else .She didn't know what that voice spoke but that was voice of a female. and after her voice she was allowed to move near her son.

She ran toward her son and sit on the floor beside him.She put his head on her lap,she told him that she has  come and he would be fine as if he was pretending to lie due to the fear of crowd.Beside her Manav and Mehar were crying bitterly by keeping their head on the body of their brother and Smita scold them to cry like someone had died .No one had . This made them cry more than before. Smita again looked at her son and felt the anger towards the woman who had snatched her son by claiming his mother . How could she allow him to lie here like that? Smita looked in the crowd for the so called mother of her son .Her eyes were moving from rapidly from one person to another and suddenly her eyes stuck at the familiar piece of cloth on someone's body.

Someone was wearing the  saree that she had given for the future wife of his son. Her eyes followed up toward her hand covered with red with beautiful design of Mehandi ,her arms full of red bangles, A black thread lying in front of her breast , hanging down from her neck .Her eyes moved upward to look at the red colour filling in her hair line.

She stood up and walked toward her slowly.Her eyes were again and again towards the Mangalsutra and Sindoor to the sarees and bangles. She stood in front of her .She raised her hand slightly towards the arms of that girl.It was difficult to move her hand as if someone had tied heavy weight on it . but she moved her hand and hold the delicate arms of that girl .She lifted her arms slightly and turn it to look at her palm. The word Dev was there written beautifully and was of bright colour. Smita traced her finger to each letter of rhe word and realisation hit her like thunderbolt.Next moment she was embracing that poor girl in her arms .The pain was flowing through her eyes when she found that the girl was clinging to her like she was her lifeline,like she was seeking some kind of solace in her motherly embrace .

Her son had started a new journey of his life but then had left without walking at the path. Suddenly Smita got the reason to be strong .She got the reason to at least try to handle.Family are strange.At time of odds They can be  broken individually but still they can find the motivation to remain intact just to make sure that another member of the family would  not broke.Like Smita who was gathering her courage for her daughter in law ,for her husband,for her son and for her daughter.Like Manav and Mehar  who was trying to gather their courage for their parents and like Mahesh who wanted to sleep with his son but couldn't and hence was trying to gather himself for his wife ,his children and for the new member of his family.

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