❦One Hundred Eleven❦

Start from the beginning

Phil sighed out, wings twitching. "We never considered a soul being split between a God and a mortal, mate." He whispered, now running a hand through red hair. Making sure to avoid her horns. "We never realized it was a possibility before Techno was watching it happen. I think it broke him more than once, if you can't die with your soulmate you just have to watch them find you over again each reincarnation. And repeat. The numbers on the folders are the lives, you know." Phil heard Tia's breath hitch, probably remembering the absurd amount of binders and folders in that crawl space.

"Please." Tia didn't know what she was asking for. Phil to stop? To stop crying? She had no goddamn clue.

"Having a soulmate is rare enough, you know. There's a reason only Bad and Skeppy experienced it out of all of the people around here. The chances of a soul being split during formation is near impossible." Phil was speaking slowly as if Tia would break, for all he knows she very well might with the way she was shaking. "A God forming is far rarer, but then that soul splitting? An anomaly. I watched him panic for years, each reincarnation he fell for all over again. There's no textbook for this type of thing. He was the only one. Nobody could just sit down and explain it to him."

Tia felt hundreds of things click into place all at once. Instances over the years that suddenly made sense with even the minimal context Phil gave her. But then also, she couldn't help but think that maybe she was aware of something like this for far longer than Phil telling her moments ago. But with it being laid out on the table like that, there was no longer any kind of denial for her to hide in.

She had to face it.

She had to face that when Technoblade bumped into her all those years ago in that Kingdom for what she thought was the first time, the look on his expression wasn't shock from being slammed into by some random teenager; but rather it was relief. As if to say 'there you are'.

She had to face that the jealousy Technoblade let bubble up over Eret wasn't the feeling of 'being replaced' but rather knowing quite literally his other half had somehow fallen in love with another despite all odds.

She had to face that Technoblade bursting to sobs holding her in Foolish's desert wasn't general joy of her being immortal, but relief and pure amazement that he wouldn't have to watch her die in his arms yet again. For who knows how many times, well, she supposed Phil might now.

So many situations and reactions that never seemed to make that much sense or seemed to raise any red flags in particular now practically screamed out as if to target how she managed to overlook each and every one. Maybe it was a good thing red has always been Tia's favorite color.

When Phil left that bedroom he didn't quite know if he was leaving behind a mess or a disaster, nothing in between. That's how fucked he decided the entire situation was. Without Technoblade here, let alone aware of the insane situation he left behind, Phil was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't tell Tia everything properly let alone give up information and experiences he knows only Technoblade could properly verbalize, but at the same time it seems by the minute she's left with more questions than answers. All they could do is wait, and as Phil thought earlier, it seems it was killing them both despite being immortals. Maybe Phil should congratulate his best friend when he returns, he has managed to figure out how to do the impossible, kill a God and Goddess. And not with some insane ritual, instead by enforcing a ridiculous level of heartbreak.

Now all they could do is wait out the storm together, never quite sure when it started and when it would end. Had they even encountered the eye of the storm yet? And if this was the eye how much goddamn worse could it even get?

❦𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫❦【 DreamSMP // Technoblade 】Where stories live. Discover now