Chapter 1

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Sam Witwicky is not part of this story. I personally do like his character, so forgive me for not including him. My original female character will be replacing him as the main human protagonist of the story. The story will be following the Bayverse movies.

This is a Optimus Prime x human female character fanfiction story, the relationship will be a slow burn build. The rating for the story is due to mild language, trigger warning scenes, sexual tension, sex scenes, violence, emotional and mental trauma, and other mature themes throughout the story. Please do enjoy Heart of a Prime.

She was no ordinary teenager, not by a long shot. Throughout her whole life, she has been looking to find a road that made sense to her. A long time, she has felt she had not meant to be alive. Her parents were an example of how she felt. They loved her, but they didn't do what parents really should. They didn't comfort her when she needed, they ignored her when she asked for something reasonable and they often told her to handle to bullies at school. And yet, they often told her that not having friends was weird. She did have friends. But they left her once they no longer had use for her. You see, this girl is very smart. She was often called the teacher's pet, but she was the top of her class in her subjects, she studied hard as she wanted to graduate with high honours and get a scholarship to college. That was her goal. And being smart meant she was often used to help friends with homework and assignments, but she stopped doing that sometime ago. They suddenly disappeared from her. She did not know the true reason why when she knew her friends since first grade. But true colours came out in the end and she stopped caring about having friends a long time ago.

Now, she had a secret life she kept from her parents. She had to, after all she was a teenager and she shouldn't be going out and doing things that she shouldn't when she was not even eighteen yet. She was sixteen, she had one more year before she could graduate high school and she was looking forward to it. As for her secret, it was her way of making money. She had stumbled into it by accident, but she would not have it any other way. From the age of fourteen, she had discovered a place where she could let loose, find a creative outlet and just enjoy the thrill of danger from under the hood. She was talking about races. Undercover races that were on almost every night at multiple racetracks that was no longer being used, the police often turn a blind eye because people keep their speed to the track. Or a special area just outside the city where mountain roads become the enemy. When she first arrived, she almost had no skill driving a car. But now, she could outrun police if she wanted to, and no one could catch her. She has earned over six figures now, and she was able to rent a garage to keep her cars a secret. Her parents didn't really care when she got home at night, so it was kind of perfect. She owned four cars currently in that garage, and they were all very special to her. She has painted each one of them, put vinyl sticks on them and turned them into a work of art.

And this is where she was right now. A girl with pale, nearly moon pale skin, with long, black, straight hair that reached down the middle of her back. It was a well maintained here, it was annoying at times, but she loved her hair. She took pride in it and she was sure a lot of people at school were jealous, and that was part of the reason why she was bullied at school. Her eyes glimmered gently as she laid underneath the 1969 Camaro SS she had been working on the past four months after winning the shell of the car in a pink slip. She chewed on some gum as she was screwing in a set of neon lights to the car, she was excited to show off the car when it was finished. Her green eyes often sparkled under any light, particularly the moonlight. She often felt like someone burned emeralds into her face because that is the colour they were. Emerald green. A very rare trait. Not even her parents had those colour eyes. However, her grandfather told her that his mother had the exact eye colour as her. Apparently, that is what attracted her great grandfather in the first place.

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