
168 5 1

20th June 2016


I looked out of the window and listened to the music. The other members were there too. No not all of them tho.....Yuyu wasn't.

We were just on our way to her. Sejin would drive us to the hospital. We would visit her. Yuyu finally woke up this morning. Nobody knew what had happened to her.

Doctors said she had minor abrasions, some bruises and a concussion. They had also said that she must have hit her head quite badly.

What if she couldn't remember me anymore? Or us? The thought broke my heart.

Why is it always her?

She was already so weak, only her body of course...she was really brave. She was underweight and had a weaker immune system than us. Why did she always have to suffer?

She was underweight, then Sung Jin and our ex manager harassed her. She also fell off the stage at our first concert of our world tour and seriously injured herself. Her father abused her at home when she was growing up, her sister died and her mother was sick. She didn't have a childhood, and the 'childhood' she had was terrible. She had to live with 7 strangers males, even tho we are a family now it must have been frightening at first. And now this! But she never complained about a thing.

Why? Why her?

She is always so caring, brave, kind, lovley, funny, calm, talented and understanding. She had never said a swear word in her life, never cursed. She always listened to us. She was so kindhearted. She would never hurt someone. Not even with words. She never shouted. And she raised her voice at us only once and apologized immediately.

What did she do to deserve this? Why God? Why?

Namjoon: Jungkook, we arrived. Come on.

He said. I hadn't noticed that we had stopped and the others had already got out. I turned off the music and got out of the van.

Namjoon was waiting for me. He put his arm around me as we walked to the hospital.

Namjoon: Jungkook... It's alright. She is okay.

No she wasn't! She was suffering. Why didn't anyone understand that? I can't believe that she is really happy after all this happening to her. She never talked about her problems. Only when she was in pain, physically. Then she said something. But she had never said anything about missing her mother. I had talked to Jin about it a few time because I was really missing home. I also talked about other problems. But she didn't.

She also never said how she felt after seeing Yoongi almost die, after she saw him trying to kill himself. She was the only one who had seen that. She loved him a lot. Seeing him like that must have terrified her. But she stayed quiet. Instead she showed her worry for her elder brother.

She had never talked about it when she was being bullied at school. She hadn't said anything when she realized she couldn't attend her first concert, which she had been looking forward to so much. I remember how excited she was. It got ruined. She got disappointed. But she pretended like she was okay. Like it was a pity and she was a bit disappointed. But she felt more than only this.

She hadn't complained when we were just doing boy things. When we were being just boys. She loved us. She wanted us to be happy.

She did not say anything. Never.

She didn't say when she was hungry. She would just let us eat first.

But that's not how it should be! Why didn't anyone see that she wasn't feeling well? Or had I just gone insane?

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