🐯My bully and 2 new boys🐯

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This part is about bullying.

23th July 2012
It's Yujin's birthday today. I congratulated her earlier. Now I'm sitting at the bus stop and waiting for my bus. I have to go to school now.


It's lunchtime now. As always, I sit in the school cafeteria with a few other people. I hate to eat in front of other people. It makes me feel uncomfortable. They would see a fat little girl how it eats. Yes me. That's why I usually only eat an apple or drink water during the break. Suddenly Jae comes. He is my bully.
Yup. I have a bully. I never mentioned him because I had a hard time talking about him. We used to be friends. Good friends. Well ... almost best friends.
I don't know why but one day he just started to ignore me or make fun of me in front of his friends and some other students. It's not the fact that he is bullying me that hurt me. It's the fact that I used to call him my best friend.

Jae: Oh hey Yura.

He says it so loudly that it gets everyone else's attention in the room.
He has a smirk on his face. I decided just to ignore him and not to pay attention to him. I continued to eat my apple. Suddenly I see 2 boys standing in the entrance of the cafeteria. I have never seen them here. They must be new. Both of them are older than me. They watched the whole scene.
That's the boys:

Jae: I'm talking to you

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Jae: I'm talking to you. You're an idiot.

Me: Well. I'm okay with it.

Jae: Oh my goodness. How can you be this dumb!? I mean look at you. You're ugly, dumb and useless.
Look at you bitch.

I do not answer. What does he expect from me. He hasn't even asked a question.

Jae: Talk bitch.

Me: did you say something?

Now I've made him angry. He takes the mug of hot tea and spills it over me. It hurts. Really. It burns very much. But I just sit still as if nothing had happened.
He then pushed me on the ground and started kicking me. His friends joined him. I just lie there with my eyes closed. But suddenly I don't feel anything anymore. I open my eyes and see the two newbies. The larger of the two is holding onto Jae. While the other one is coming near me. Jae is shouting at the boy and some of the students are leaving because it's time for the next class. Jae and his friends are also leaving.

??: Hey, give me your hand.

He says and holds out his hand to help me up. The other boy who stopped Jae is coming to me now too.

Me: Thank you.

???: Is he doing this often?

Asks the boy who stopped Jae. He's pretty good looking. I just nod.

Me: You should go to the next lesson or you will be too late. And thanks for helping.

Then I go. One of them wanted to say something else, but I've already left. I should keep my distance from the boys. I don't want to drag them into something.

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