🔥I can do it!🔥

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18th May 2013
We were in the gym for the last few days. The boys did a lot of weight training. They wanted to keep their six pack in 'No more dream'. I also had some visible abs. But really small cause my body shape was really thin. However, I did more endurance sports. Just like the last few days we were back in the gym.

Jimin: Hey Yuyu! Look at me.

I looked over at him. He was doing pushups. His arm muscles showed themselves very proudly. After doing 10 pushups, he got up and looked at me expectantly. I clapped my hands.

Me: Wow. You are really muscular.

I went to him with a water bottle in hand. I handed it to him.

Jimin: Thanks.

Me: Jimin.

Jimin: Hmm?

Me: You might have muscles but that doesn't mean you can't catch me. And you know why?

Jimin: No.

Me: Because you are small.

And with that I started running away. Jimin running as well because he was chasing me. I was really fast. But there wasn't enough space to run. So I just ran to Jungkook and Tae. They would protect me.

Me: Tae, Jungkook! Save me!

I said while running to them. I ran into Kookie's arms and he wrapped his arms around me. Tae stood in front of me and Jungkook.

Jimin: Give her to me.

Tae: No why?

Jimin: She needs a punishment.

Tae: For what?

Jimin: Calling me small.

Tae: Well .. let me think ....

Jungkooks grip got tighter. Would Tae really do this to me?

Tae: Hmm ... No.

Jimin: Aish. Yuyu! I will get you as soon as you are alone. Don't worry.

Jungkook: You won't. You are small.

Jimin: Yah.

We all laughed and Jimin went away with Tae to exercise a little bit more.

Me: Thanks.

I high five Jungkook. Jungkook looked very exhausted. His hair was wet with sweat. His t-shirt was wet too. With that he had just hugged me. But I didn't care. Then I was about to leave.

Jungkook: Where are you going Yuyu?

Me: I don't know. I look for the others to annoy them.

Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook: Annoy them?

Me: Yup. I'm bored and I'm done with my training for today.

Jungkook: Cool. I'm in.

Me: Nice.

We went to look for the others. We found Hoseok.

Jungkook: Are we going to scare him?

Me: Okay.

Hoseok stood on the treadmill.




Me & Jungkook: Bhoo!

Hoseok gave a short scream and almost fell off the treadmill. Fortunately, he held on in time.

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