🐢Can I join?🐢

144 4 0

14th June 2013


Yuyu phone rang.

Jin: Yuyu! Your phone rings.

He called her. Taehyung hopped around the apartment with one leg. Who knows why ... I didn't want to know.

Yuyu came into the living room. She was in bed until 30 minutes ago. We didn't have an appointment until that afternoon. She looked beautiful. She wore a long-sleeved striped T-shirt and light blue denim overalls. Her hair in a messy bun. She hurried to her phone.

Yuyu: Hello?

It got quiet in the dorm. She suddenly seemed nervous.

Yuyu: Yeah.


Yuyu: I'm fine. And you?


Yuyu: No. Please!

She whined. She walked out. I had the feeling it was her mother. She came back after 20 minutes. Jimin and Taehyung had a bowl of chips in hand and were sharing it.

Hoseok: Who was it?

Yuyu: Just a friend.

Hoseok nodded. But it was clear that he wasn't buying it. The same goes to me.

Yuyu: I'm going now. I'll see you later during training.

Jungkook: Where are you going?

Yuyu: To the library. There are exams soon. I have to study.

She turned and left to change.

Jin: And you? Don't you have to study too?

He looked at Jungkook. He stood up. And went into the bedroom, where Yuyu was as well.


I wanted to go with her. Jin Hyung was right. I also had to study. There were many exams in the summer. It was the end of a school year. Jimin and Taehyung would graduate this year. They had all the exams behind them.

I opened the door. Yuyu was there, packing her bag to study. She had changed her clothes in the meantime. She was in a pretty cozy outfit. She liked to dance like that.

She wore a dark brown sweater with a beige colored heart in the middle and a little lighter brown trousers. I liked her style.

Me: Hey?

She just turned to me and smiled at me. She never seemed scared. I never saw her flinch, when someone scared her. It was kind of cool.

Yuyu: Hey.

Me: Can I join?

Yuyu: Studying in the library?

I nodded.

Yuyu: Sure. Hurry. We are going in 5 minutes.

I nodded and packed the things I needed. Then we went out of the dorm. At first I thought we would go to the city library, but she showed me another little library. It was on a second floor. There was coffee shop under the library.

Yuyu: Do you want one?

I refused. I didn't know she was drinking coffee. I thought only men did that. And above all, I would not have expected that at her age. I didn't like coffee. I absolutely didn't like it.

Then we went upstairs and started studying.


I tried to concentrate. My mother called earlier. She was worried. About me. Me being with 7 boys. She asked me if I was okay and if I really wanted to be in this group. I then had to make her know that I did that voluntarily. However, she was still concerned.

Jungkook: Yuyu?

Me: Yes?

Jungkook got up and packed up his things.

Jungkook: We have to go.

Was it already afternoon? I looked at the clock. Indeed! 2 p.m. I got up too and packed my schoolwork in the backpack.

Jungkook: Let's go. Or else we will be late.

I just nodded and went with him. Together we went into BigHit.

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