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This part is about Suri developing an eating disorder. If you have problems with such topics, please do not look at this part. Skip to the next one.

14th July 2012
3 months already. I've been doing the new schedule for 3 months and I haven't seen any of my future members. What is so different about this group that I have extra auditions and schedules? I hope I don't have to spend another 2 years here as a trainee.
The weather today is pretty good by the way. The sun is shining, it's warm and every now and then there is a little breeze. I cannot and will not complain.
Do you know that? When you can no longer fit into your favorite pants. I don't fit in anymore. I've gained some weight the last few days. That's why I decided to go on a diet.
My weight is currently 30.4 kg.

(this means she is 7.6 kg underweight)

I have also created a diet plan for this.
There is an apple for breakfast. There are 2 sweet potatoes for lunch and a protein shake for dinner.
This should allow me to lose weight faster.

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