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19th June 2016


It's 2 o'clock at night. I was on my way home. The music video shooting wasn't very far from home. It was cold by now and I was very tired.

My manager wanted to drive me home but I really wanted to walk home. I didn't know why. I just wanted some time alone.

The staff was working hard. They did great. I did great as well. I was very happy that Yuyu came earlier. Or should I say yesterday? It was already a new day. I don't think I would get much sleep. It had been a few hours since she came and left. I would guess about 4 hours. But I was able to work better afterwards.

Because of her.

I looked at the sky. It wasn't cloudy. I was even able to see the stars. Beautiful. Yuyu also loved staring at the sky. She could do that for hours. Maybe she had also seen the stars when she was walking home.

I got home and opened the door. I took off my jacket and shoes. Then I heard noises from the kitchen.

Who was awake at this hour?

I went to the kitchen. There was Jin, standing in his pajamas.

Me: Hyung?

He turned his head to me.

Jin: Oh. You're back. How was it?

He said sleepily.

Me: What are you doing here at this time?

Jin: I slept badly. I wanted something to drink. Where is Yuyu? Did she already go to her room?

Wait.... Wasn't she here?

Me: What do you mean? She went home earlier.

Jin: Oh. I probably didn't realize she came home.

Jungkook: But.....she's not here.

Jungkook appeared behind me. He wasn't looking sleepy at all. He was probably playing video games.

Jin: Is she not sleeping in your room right now?

Jungkook shook his head. I looked back at Jin. He was wide awake now. I also.

Jin: Okay. Let's look in the other rooms. Maybe she's just sleeping in someone else's bed.

He said and tried to calm us down. But somehow I had a bad feeling about all this.

Jin: You go to Jimins and Hoseok room and I'm going to Taehyungs and Namjoon room.

We nodded. I went with Jungkook. Jimin and Hoseok were sleeping. Yuyu wasn't here though. I got a worse feeling.

We went back to the living room and met Jin there.

Me: She is not in their room.

Jin: But where is she if not here? She's not in the other rooms either.

Me: We should try to call her.

Jin nodded. However, neither of them had their phones with them. Me, yes. I dialed her number. But no one answered.

I really started to worry. If she wasn't home, where was she instead? Did something happen to her on the way home?

Horror scenes were playing in my head. What happened? It took about 20-25 minutes to get here.

We decided to call our manager. Maybe Yuyu was in the BigHit and was training. But that was not the case. Our manager called the police and drove here immediately. Luckily we had such a nice and caring manager.

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