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13th January 2014

It was now 2014. We had won our second award on January 1st. The 28th Golden Disk Award "Rookie of the year". We were so honored.

We had continued to work hard on new songs, choreographies and more. I kept working on beatboxing. I had made great strides. I practiced every second day. I had recorded myself in a couple of times too, because I was so satisfied and liked what I was doing. I also made a beat-boxing 'log for "Bimil Bangtan".

We were driven by Sejin to a shooting place. They would take photos of us there. The shoot was for our next big song 'Boy in Luv' which I wrote for the album 'Skool Luv Affair'.

We had already vocal recorded the song some days ago and would learn the choreography today. Then we would have 6 days to perfect and practice the dance. Then we would record dance practice video. And then the music video. All of this was already on my schedule for the next few months.

We arrived on the destination. We went to the photo studio together. There we went to a styling room. While Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook got there make up done.....Jin, Namjoon, Tae, and I changed our clothes.

I was wearing a school uniform. I was wearing a red and black skirt and a dark blue jacket. The boys wore dark blue suits with a red tie. Let's skip the part when they were asking me if I was really comfortable with the outfit. I rolled my eyes, laughing about it a little bit. Then we exchanged. After Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook had finished with their make-up, they went into the changing room and we were made up.

Jimin had dyed his hair black. They were previously brown during the N.O area. Jungkook had red hair now. It looked good on him. Tae had his hair blonde before. He had turned it orange yesterday. It looked amazing on him.

Jin now had light brown hair with a messy style. Meanwhile Namjoon had white, highly styled hair and the sides lightly shaved off. Hoseok's hair was light brown with blond streaks. Yoongi had red-brown hair. Yoongi somehow had the best hairstyle in my opinion.

My hair was light brown. It was actually 4 days ago since I dyed my hair. Before I always had my natural black haircolour.

The boys had told me it would suit me and I would look good, but I saw it differently. I didn't think I was pretty. Absolutely not. I didn't tell them, though. And the comments on Twitter from haters who were making fun of me already without even seeing the new hairstyle didn't make it any better. To be honest, I knew they were just haters, but those words hit me very hard at times. Maybe I would still get used to my new look.

After the shoot we were driven back to the BigHit. Then we learned the choreography for 'Boy In Luv'.

Teacher: Then you put your right arm up to the front, just like that.

We stood in front of the mirror and watched our dance coach as he took the steps. Then we repeated after him.

Teacher: At this part ...Jimin, Hoseok and Yuyu are going to twist to the right side and Seokjin and Jungkook are going to twist to the left side. Since Taehyung was in the middle he is just going to the back. Namjoon come to the front in a twist and Yoongi is going to the middle with a light jump. Like this.

He showed again.

After practice we were all sweating like hell. We practiced about 5 hours. It was already night time. We were about to go home but our coach called out for us.

Teacher: Yuyu, you have to stay. Since you all have to act a little bit in the music video it won't be that easy this time. But you have a special role in this music video, Yuyu. So you are going to stay, so I can show you what you have to do.

I nodded and the others left. I was curious. A special role? What will I do?

Teacher: So do you have any idea what you gonna do?

Me: A solo dance?

He laughed.

Teacher: You are going to act Yuyu.

He reminded me. Ohhh yeah right. Hmm? But what exactly will I do?

Me: Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Then I don't know.

Teacher: Well your song is about high school love, right?

Me: Yes.

Teacher: The boys will act like they have a big crush on a girl. This gi is beautiful but a bad girl as well. You will play the bad but beautiful girl.

Me: Woah really?

He nodded. I was soooo excited. Oh my god.

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