
228 7 0

21th February 2013
Today our bodys would be measured and weighed.

Staff: Taehyung.

Taehyung stood on the scales. 52.4 kg.

Staff: Okay.

Then a man came with a tape measure. We all already know that he is 176 cm tall. She measured his tights, waist, chest circumference, head circumference, arm length, leg length, arm circumference and his shoulders. This information would be then given to a designer who made our clothes for MVs, interviews, shootings and more.

Then it was Jungkook's turn. 50.8 kg.

174 cm.

The guy is bigger than Jimin hahah. I laughed.

Hobi: What's so funny?

Me: Jungkook is bigger than Jimin HAHAH.

I don't know why I found it so funny. The boys laughed too.

Jimin: Yah! You are smaller than me.

Me: But I'm 5 years younger. And I'm still growing.

Yoongi: Hahah. You can't talk your way out of that.

Jimin pouted.

I went to Jimin and whispered in his ear.

Me: Enjoy your time as not yet the smallest.

Jimin: Yah!

He said and laughed. Then he tickled me.

Me: Hahah stop P-please.

Staff: Suri. It's your turn.

The staff was smiling at me. Jimin let go of me and I went to the scales.

30.8 kg

Staff: Suri are you okay?

With that he got the boys' attention for sure.

Me: Yeah why?

Staff: Are you on a diet?

Me: No.

Staff: Trainees are often underweight, but you are already over the limit.

Me: What do you mean by 'over the limit'? What limit?

Then he showed us a scale.

Staff: That's a percentile. Your weight is calculated by your height and then you have your BMI value. In this percentille you can see where your BMI value is. In severe underweight, underweight, normal weight and overweight. And your BMI value is 12.2. It's not just underweight. That is well below being severely underweight. Severe underweight is 15.2. If you weigh a few pounds less, you can die.


I heard the boys behind me gasps.

Me: What does that mean for me?

Staff: I don't know yet either. But I don't think you'll dance today You need to rest and GAIN weight.

He put special emphasis on the word 'gain'.

Staff: And I'll have to talk to Pdnim.

What? Is he throwing me out?

He saw my panicked look.

Staff: Don't worry. You will stay as a  part of the group. But we have to find a solution how you can gain weight quickly without missing your skedule. Okay?

I nodded. And went to measure. I felt the boys' eyes on me. Jin had to be particularly pissed off. What if he hit me again? I didn't dare to look them in the eye.

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