💟Wait for me💟

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Jin's vigorous figure was standing in an orange built box in the backstage area. He had already done his make up and was just hanging around, doing nonsense. I was sitting on the couch next to our leader, eating some snacks while eyeing the others.

Taehyung, a young man with graying hair, in a lemon yellow hoodie and navy blue dungarees, was running around with the camera the whole time. Even though he was filming more of himself than anyone else.

Yoongi and Hoseok were still in the makeup area and Jungkook leaned forward on the back of the couch to get some snacks.

Jin was still in the box, saying 'welcome' to everyone who passed by. Jimin decided to play along and approached the box and Jin as if the box were a shop and Jin was the shop assistant. Again Jins 'welcome' was heard.

Jimin: Hello.

Jin: Hi, can I help you?

I looked down at the snacks and grabbed another before continuing to watch. I hadn't eaten anything all day today and admittedly the heat didn't make it any better. It was really hot outside.

Jungkook: They are so weird.

The boy, dressed in white hoodie and pants and with the red cap on his head, notified while leaning forward to grab another snack. Then going back into the position he was before, his forearms supporting him.
Meanwhile, a stylist knelt in front of Namjoon, fixing his beige-red hair.

Jimin: Can I see the menu?

Jin: There's no menu.

Jin said boldly, looking around innocently, while Jimin was trying to keep the conversation going.

Jimin: Oh, there isn't?

The young man stated. I already knew Jin would tease him but Jimin didn't seem to notice. A cameraman stood next to the two and filmed....whatever the two were doing.

Jimin: Oh, then I'll have that thing.

Jin: That thing? We don't have that thing.

You could see them both holding back their smiles and Jimin now knew that his eldest hyung was just kidding him. But he tried to play cool and continued.

Jimin: You know, the one that everyone gets.

Jin: We don't sell anything here. We just say welcome.

Jin couldn't hide his smile anymore, neither could Jimin. Jimin playfully grabbed Jin's collar while laughing.

Hoseok: Gosh....why does it have to be so hot these days...

Hoseok asked, waving his thick green-yellow colored hoodie to cool his body down a bit. His red hair fell in his face.

Jimin: It's because I'm in here.

Hoseok and Jungkook rolled their eyes. I laughed to myself mentally at how Jimin tried to do that every time.

Then Taehyung came to me and Namjoon and sat next to me, filming Jungkook and Namjoon as well. I looked at the camera in front of my face. The cameraman also directed his camera at us.

Taehyung: Yuyu...if you had to choose between Jungkook and all the money I have in my pocket....What would you choose?

Me: It depends on how much money we're talking about...

I teased Jungkook, who was still behind me, looking over my shoulder, now glaring. I knew he would act offended but I stayed serious.

Jungkook: Excuse m-

Taehyung: 679 won (≈ 50 cents)

Me: Sold!

I said and Taehyung grinded, Jimin laughed along with some others as Jungkook got up, going around the couch in front of me. He started tickling me while the others just laughed.

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