🤔Sung Jin🤔

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20th November 2012
I woke up with a bad headache. How did I get in my bed?

Hoseok: Good morning. How do you feel?

I looked to my right. Hoseok sat there. He leaned against a pillow that was leaning on the wall. He was sitting on his bed. Our beds are next to each other. I looked around and realized that we were alone. Where were the others? Were they in the living room?

Me: I'm okay. What happened?

Hoseok: You passed out yesterday. We checked on you. You had high fever. You still have a bit fever.

Me: Oh I see. I'm sorry.

Hoseok: Why would you apologize? It's not your fault. You got sick.

Me: I made you worried.

Hoseok laughed. He shook his head.

Hoseok: We'd be worried even if you weren't sick.

Then he got serious.

Hoseok: You know ... you changed something.

What did he mean? What did I change? I looked at him with a confused and questionable face.

Hoseok: I see that mostly in Yoongi. Before you came everyone did their own thing. Not caring about the other people. Everyone was alone. When you came you thought of the others. You cared. We didn't really feel alone anymore. I think Yoongi in particular somehow.....felt understood I guess.

Me: Oh okay. Why didn't you care about the others?

Hoseok: I don't know. Why did you care?

Me: Well .... every human is so precious. Noone should feel alone. Especially in our society. Especially in Korea.

Hoseok looked at me confused.

Hoseok: What do you mean?

Me: l mean. The first thing people think about is their success. The school pressure is extremely high here. People keep dying of suicide. And then? Nothing. But it shouldn't be like that!
Everyone is so special. There are many wonderful people. But they will just be forgotten. Only the parents remember. That's not fair. Nobody should feel alone. I want you to know that there is always someone who understands you.

I was speechless. She tried to understand us. She wanted us to feel better. Was it weird to say that she was amazing? I felt very grateful for that. But that what she said was true. The fact that people die because of suicide is not atypical. It doesn't stop with school. People also die while looking for a job and at work. Or old people. They die from loneliness and poverty. It was really incredibly cool and lovely of her. Whoever met her, met a golden heart. A real friend. That was rare.

Me: Wow. I...you are... I am speechless.

Suri: Then don't say anything. I know what you're thinking anyway.

It was quiet for a moment.

Suri: Hoseok?

There she was again. The soft, shy voice.

Me: Yes?

Suri: I'm .... I'm a little bit hungry ...

Me: Oh right. You have to take your medicine too.

She nodded.

Suri: Where are the others?

Me: In the BigHit. Pdnim said there is a new member. They bring him here. You didn't have to come with us for that.

Suri nodded.

Some time later I ate and took my medicine. I heard the door open. The boys came in. I was happy to see them. But they came in with an annoyed look on their face. Why? Then a boy came in. He looked familiar to me. Sung jin? I had met him before. He told me he was 17. He was creepy. When he saw me he looked at me for a few seconds until he recognized me and a smirk formed on his face. I didn't know...I felt a little uncomfortable.

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