"He was one of your fans. After I hit the ground, he grabbed me by the collar and told me to stay away from you. Apparently, he had seen us holding hands and threatened me. He said if I didn't get away from you, he'd kill me cos you are his and not anybody else's."

Aiden froze. Edwin was hit by a man. Edwin was hurt by a man that claimed to be his fan. Which meant his lover was hurt because of him.

He felt how his blood started boiling and anger rose more and more with each passing second. He was beyond frustrated. He wanted to punch to death, both the guy and himself. Here he was, loving yet another fragile person, Edwin being even more fragile than Ian, and he was the cause of pain to his lover. Again. He wanted to cry, but he figured he didn't even have the right to. He wanted to hold Edwin closer and say how sorry he was, but he felt like he didn't have the right to. At that moment, all he could feel was that it was his fault for ever making the boy fall for him.

"But that's not what I'm scared of." Edwin's voice brought him back to his senses, saving him from the darkness that was drowning him. A few more seconds and he would've left the boy he loved alone and he would disappear to some unknown land so that he could be safe without being dragged into his dramatic, problematic life.

"I'm scared for you, baby. This person was insane. He said- he said if I don't let go, and if he can't have you, no one can. I'm scared he'll do something to you." Edwin's slim body was visibly shivering. Be it in fear or pain or lack of energy.

Aiden bit on his bottom lip hard enough to break the skin and taste the blood in his mouth. He couldn't say anything. He just sat there silently, with Edwin still in his arms, only his hands weren't moving in soothing patterns anymore.

He watched as his boyfriend drifted off to sleep. Walking out of the room, he called Luis and told him about everything.

"I think the management has access to the CCTVs around the building. I'm gonna go check them. Please don't do anything stupid."

Sitting on the benches outside of the hospital in the yard, he leaned his head back on the wall behind and stared at the sky. A few people eyed him, but he didn't pay any attention. He was just thinking about what he should do. He was thinking how stupid and heartless of him it was to even consider leaving the sweet dancer just because he didn't want to feel guilt. It had been for a mere 30 seconds or even less, but the thought should have never even crossed his mind.

'Always feeling pity for yourself, just like your mother.'

The voice in his head began again, full force after such a long time of being silent.

'You know he doesn't deserve someone like you, right?'

He shut his eyes tightly.

'You will ruin his life, just like you did with Ian.'

But Ian was okay now with Joe. He tried to convince the voice.

'He will leave you, eventually. How long do you think he'll put up with your stupid lifestyle?'

He bit harder on his lower lip.

'You're nothing, a no one that constantly causes pain and discomfort to people close to you.'

He buried his nails in his thighs roughly.

'You don't deserve any of this.'

He groaned and put his hands on his ears, bending down and rocking his body back and forth in order to shut the voice up. It had been such a long time since the last time he had heard it. It had been silent ever since he moved out of Mr. Evans's house. But it wasn't working. It kept repeating itself. Aiden knew only one way to make it go away; pain.

FALLING | MxM (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें