❦Seventy Eight❦

Start from the beginning

Eret burst out laughing at that, and the two older men looked to him curiously. "Oh my Gods! I forgot about that! Oh, that's so ironic-!"

Phil raised an eyebrow, looking amused if anything. "Mate?"

Eret had a stupid smile on his face, his laughter dying down. "Oh gods- don't tell them-" I put a hand over my mouth, suddenly feeling embarrassed about the situation.

"Okay okay, I'm about to make her so mad." Eret had a wide toothy grin on his face, and now both the Gods were very interested. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Oh please go on." Technoblade lifted up the skull on his face, glancing at me and shooting me a wink. I rolled my eyes and looked to the crater.

"So, after the first war I took her on top of the castle, there was this whole sunrise thing I planned, totally romantic." Eret began gesturing with his hands, having to contain his laughter as to not ruin his speech.

"Oh gods- Eret please don't."

"It was so well planned, and we kissed and everything, she turned me down!"

Phil slapped a hand over his mouth, wings twitching and laughter bubbling up and out of his throat. Even Tech was laughing, and I was covering my face with my hands. "I just didn't want to date anyone! Like ever!" And then I gestured to Technoblade. "Plus I had this idiot to worry about and I didn't want him to kill you, believe me he has killed some dudes for flirting with me before-"

Eret looked to Technoblade, shock evident on his features. Phil looked unfazed by this information, which he was probably already aware of. "Look, if a guy tries to mess with ya' in a bar, and you aren't into it, he loses hand privilege." Tech said it as if it was obvious, like there wasn't any other option. The pinkette elbowed me playfully, it kind of hurt since I'm certain I bruised my ribs, but he shot me a smirk anyway. "Remember when I totally knocked that guy out and left him in the alley after he tried to grope you."

I laughed a bit with a nod. "He wasn't even my type, plus the guy was a total drunk, idiotic at best."

I took pride in the laughter that each man let out, various levels of wheezing and wide smiles. "How is idiotic his best trait?" Eret wheezed out the words and I shrugged.

"To be honest I don't even know, he was just- that stupid-?"

I couldn't explain how we were so lighthearted while standing in front of a recently destroyed country. Suddenly I got a sharp pain in my arm, making my laughter cease and instead making my body lurch forward. I reached for my right arm with my left, gripping onto my bicep. "Alright- alright we gotta go, mate." Phil's laughter ebbed away quickly, grabbing onto me and picking my scythe up from where it had been laying on the ground. "We all have some nasty injuries, you need to get your work ready at the castle and head to the Arctic. I see you got roughed up too."

Eret looked hesitant and sighed. "Look, with L'Manburg gone there- there isn't really a reason for me to hang around the Arctic. I'll come back today for medical reasons, but I don't know after that."

Phil got me back on my feet, and I blinked a few times before glancing to Eret. "I'm staying in the Arctic though, that's an hour trip between us."

Eret rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, gritting his teeth. "I have this entire stretch of land under my rule, and with a war just occurring there's so much work I have to do as King. You have training to do, rehabilitation, and I don't want to ever drive a wedge between you and your best friends." He gestured to the two men at my side, the three of us tattered yet holding each other close. 

"Choose your next words carefully, mate." Phil's face hardened, smile dropping to a deadpan.

Eret gasped, holding his hands up. "Holy shit, I am not breaking up with you, absolutely not. I should have really made that clear-" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, feeling a comforting hand run along my shoulders. I knew it belonged to Tech without having to look. "I just wanted to say, we're not going to have the same living situation for awhile. I'll visit, I sure hope you visit, but it's just going to be kind of difficult to see each other as often as we have been."

❦𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫❦【 DreamSMP // Technoblade 】Where stories live. Discover now