Part 2, Chapter 43- Ophelia's POV

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Who knew that not wasting all of your time searching for the resurrection stone meant that you could actually have a social life at Hogwarts? Not fucking me that's for sure.

Without the constant stress of getting Uncle Fred back home my life has been a fucking breeze. My grades are perfect, my girl is perfect, my quidditch team is perfect. What more could I ask for?

I mean maybe a little less Cass and Theseus bickering would be nice but you can't have it all.

Literally, three weeks back at school and I think the only thing Cass and her boyfriend have done is bicker then fuck, then bicker then fuck. It's a constant rotation between a bra on the handle of our dorm room, and a sock on the handle of Theseus's dorm room.

It's bullshit if you ask me. Not the sex bit, I wish I was getting as much as Cass has been getting recently. The bickering is bullshit. Half the time it isn't even about anything worthwhile. An off comment that Theseus made in class, the fact that Cass studied off of Theseus's notes and got a better grade on the test than him; anything and everything they manage to find a way to argue about it.

Not saying that they didn't do that before they were together. Fuck, that's all they did was flirt and argue, but my dumbass thought that would have changed after how close those two appeared to get during the Christmas holiday. But hey, I'm not a relationship expert or anything so what the fuck do I know about it all?

Take Ash for example; we haven't had sex yet. And I'm not saying that we have to, that's not it at all because there's been times that we've gotten really, really close to doing it. But I always chicken out.

Tell anyone and I'll grind up your kneecaps into a fine powder and snort them at the next Slytherin party.

Sex with a girl, at least from my experience, has always hurt me. Whether that be breaking my heart into a million little shards, finding out that they only used me as an experiment, using me to get something that I had, or just for a bit of fun in between classes. And I've always let it happen. I never had any standards for myself, if a hot girl wanted to sleep with me I didn't say no.

Call me James and I'll kill you.

But you wouldn't be wrong.

Ash is different though. If I ever found out that she was using me like the other girls I've been with... I think that would break me in a way I've never been broken. And I know that's dumb because she's the one that came all the way to Diagon Alley when she doesn't even live in London on New Years' to kiss me and spend the night on my floor wrapped in my arms instead of in her own bed. And I know that she's gay, she's had other girlfriends and things... I'm just paranoid.

"Miss Weasley?"

Chandler nudges my arm with his elbow and I look up from my Care of Magical Creatures textbook. Uncle Charlie is looking at me with genuine concern in his eyes. I guess he's been trying to get my attention for a little while now.

"Uh, twenty-seven," I say. The entire class turns to look at me, "Fine, seventy-two. Final answer, take it or leave it."

"The answer you're looking for is 1269. 1269 is the year the Golden Snidget was introduced to quidditch games. See me after class Miss Weasley?" Uncle Charlie says.

"Yessir," I say running my hand through my hair.

Uncle Charlie continues with his lesson, "The Golden Snidget was once worth a hundred and fifty galleons. People were paying the best quidditch player to barbarically seek out this fragile bird on the quidditch playing field. Hence the seeker position on all quidditch teams. This is also why catching the snitch in a modern game of quidditch will give that team a hundred and fifty points as well as ending the game. Because more often than not, when the seeker caught the Golden Snidget, the play would hold onto it too hard and it would die... As you all know, we now play quidditch with a golden snitch. Can someone tell me why we made the change from a real bird to a bit of metal?"

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