Part 2, Chapter 37- Freddie's POV

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When you're hanging out with your family and genuinely having a good time, what's the one thing that you'd rather not see?

If you asked me a few minutes ago I would have said someone dying, or the house setting on fire. Something crazy.

If you asked me now, I would say Hannah Torres.

"Sorry, I'm late!" A horribly familiar voice says as the front door opens. James gets up from his spot on the sofa to go meet her.

I look across the table at Louis and Amar, both of them looking at the front door. Louis looks at me and nods, confirming that it is in fact who I thought it was.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend Hannah," James says to the room. Everyone says a polite hello and Happy Christmas as James leads her into the kitchen to get a plate of food.

Hannah fucking Torres. The girl I thought I was in love with years ago, the girl that dated James and snogged me. The girl that got me beat up by my own cousin in front of my own family. The girl that couldn't seem to take no for an answer.

Me? Bitter? I dunno what you're talking about.

"Did you know that he was dating her again?" Amar says in a relatively hushed tone. He doesn't really have to speak so softly given this house is so loud I'm sure the entire village can hear it.

"Not a fucking clue," I say back.

Evie turns around to look at Hannah and turns back around to look at all of us, "Is that that girl that you told me about?" She whispers.

"The one that tried to get in every Weasley's pants? Yeah, that's the one." I say before downing my near full cup of spiked butterbeer.

"Never tried to get into my pants," Louis says. His boyfriend Evan is sitting quietly beside him. I've only met him a few times over facetime and he seems like an okay person but he's really shy in social situations. Why Louis thought it would be smart to bring him to the most dysfunctional family's Christmas dinner and in turn wedding I'll never know.

"That's because you're gay as shit my guy," Evie says.

"Never stopped you from flirting with me darling," Louis says with an over-dramatic wink.

"And despite all my best efforts you still rejected me. I'm still hurt by it you know."

I'm not paying much attention to anything that they're saying. I push my half-eaten turkey around my plate in silence.

Hannah Torres. He brought Hannah Torres here.

James and I never got along, but recently we've been I don't know what'd you call it, civil maybe? We stopped trying to kill each other after we both left Hogwarts but we still aren't the best of friends that Mum and Aunt Ginny want us to be. But bringing Hannah here, after what happened between us? Like sure it was a long time ago since she really tried anything with me, especially since Evie and I started dating shortly after that incident but she never fully stopped trying to get my attention.

I haven't told anyone that. Not even Evie. But after fifth year she kept trying to get me to look at her, to touch her. Not sexually or anything but brushing up against me, asking me for quills and things when she was in my class. She would always make sure that she would touch my hand when I gave her it. At first, I thought that it was a mistake; like people touch people all the time, we're human. But when she did it she would always make eye contact with me, slow her movements down, trying to seduce me in the middle of Potions class.

Course it didn't work I mean are you mad? There's not a chance that I'd go back to that ever. I' still not even sure if I can say that I ever went there in the first place.

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