Chapter 8- Cassiopeia's POV

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Freddie was right, I'm not alright. I had the worst sleep of my night last night. Ophelia kept talking and talking and talking about what we did over the summer. Which was nothing even close to the stories she was telling her friends. Yes, we did visit uncle Charlie in Romania, but under no circumstances did he let her ride Norberta, the dragon that uncle Ron, uncle Harry, and Aunt Hermione snuck out of Hagrid's hut during their first year or something crazy.

Course I'm not going to pop her bubble, if she wants to become popular by telling lies then that's her business. If she wants to win the hearts of every girl in our year and the ones below her than that's her business as well. I swear she flirts with everyone with a vagina at this point. Won't be surprised if she makes a move on McGonagall this year or something.

"You ready?" Darcy comes out of nowhere and slides onto the bench beside me. His shoulder bumps against mine and my breath hitches in my throat. Pathetic I know.

"For flying lessons? Absolutely not. Hooch always watches me with such disappointment in that class." I grumble the last part, "The Weasley's produce the best quidditch players Hogwarts has ever seen! Even your mother was top of my class when she was a student here, course she hated flying. So much talent gone to waste with that one." I say in my best Hooch impression witch causes Darcy to laugh really hard.

"She means well. Course we could always just not go to class." Darcy says. I turn my attention away from my toast and onto his face. He wiggles his eyebrows but when I don't smile he stops and sighs, "Dumb idea?"

I nod a couple of times, "Dumb idea." We sit in silence for a bit, I can hear Ophelia's loud voice bragging about her Thunderbolt eight, as if every single one of our cousins who play quidditch doesn't have the exact same broom. Since our aunt Ginny was on a national team for a good, long time, she gets discounts on brooms for life pretty much. Which means every single Weasley that plays quidditch always have the best broom on the market. People like me and Albus who don't play are stuck with the old Nimbus two thousand and ones. Which is still an alright broom, but they're so old at this point.

The bell rings and almost immediately the food and plates disappear from all the tables. Darcy hits his palms on the top of the table, "After you Weasley." He says with a bit of a smile. I can feel my cheeks heat up and I hope that he doesn't notice.

We walk out of the great hall along with every other student, each of them going their own way. I can see Louis and Freddie hop onto their skateboards and race each other down the hall to whatever class they have. A few older girls watch them as they go past and giggle to themselves. Gross, my brother has a fan club.


Fireworks go off in front of us, soaring in every possible direction. Darcy looks at me in shock but I just roll my eyes, "There goes the demon dung cracker." I grumble. I look at Darcy, "Bury your nose in your shirt."

"How can you tell exactly what firework that was?" Darcy says to me pulling his shirt up over his nose. We move through the crowd of gagging and coughing students and out into castle grounds so we can get some fresh air.

I sigh and drop my shirt down from my face, "They're Ophelia's favourite. She once set one off inside the house when she and mum were having a row. Mum sent her to live with nan and pops for a week after that one."

Darcy laughs, it's the best sounding laugh I've ever heard. It makes the hair on my arms stand up. "I dunno, spending a week at your nan and pops doesn't sound that awful. Molly and Arthur are always loads of fun at Christmas time." Darcy says. He and auntie Em along with Uncle Lee, Uncle Walter, and their two kids Gilbert and Jordan are always at the Burrow for the holidays. Auntie Em usually spends the time crying with my parents while Darcy and I play games with the rest of my cousins.

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