Chapter 1- Freddie's POV

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"Mum! I can't find my wand!"

My sister Ophelia pops her head into my doorway, "Mum and dad are going to kill you." She sings before narrowly missing the shoe I throw at her.

My mum comes into my room with her hands on her hips and I know I've done it now, "Fred Weasley I swear to Godric if you lost your wand." She looks at the mess that is my room, "You're not even halfway packed! Your sisters are packed. What example are you setting?"

"None at all apparently," I grumble.

My mum takes her wand out and waves it in the air a few times. All my clothes and books and things soar from the floor and into my trunk. I dodge my history book so it doesn't smack me in the head and look at her. "Why couldn't you have done that in the first place?" I say with a smile on my face.

My mum rolls her eyes and gives me the same look that she gives dad when he cracks a really bad joke, "Find your wand, Freddie." She says it very seriously but she's got a smile on her face.

Suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Fred Weasley. Freddie Weasley. My mum and dad run a joke shop in Diagon alley called Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes along with my uncle Ron. There are some perks of owning a joke shop. First, every little kid that comes in here thinks your Merlin himself when you pass him a skiving snack box or a bottle of un-no-poo. Second, there's a lot of attractive witches that come by. The downside? Working with your family.

I come from a really big family. Like really big. My nan and my pops had like seven kids, and those kids minus uncle Charlie and uncle Fred, all had kids. My mum and dad had the most. Five. Five kids all working in a joke shop from before they could even stand up by themselves. I love all my siblings though, they're annoying as all hell but I'd die for them if I had to. Don't let my mum hear that though, she hates when I say that.

I'm the oldest out of the bunch, fifteen years old. Then there's my younger sisters, twins. Ophelia and Cassiopeia (I know, they got cool names and I'm stuck with Fred? It's totally unfair), they're both twelve turning thirteen soon. Then there's my little brother Theodore who's ten I think... I dunno I haven't really been paying attention all that much to his birthdays. And finally, there's my baby sister Annabeth. She turned eight not too long ago. I'd do anything that grubby handed little weirdo told me to do and she knows it.

Anyways, right now I have to find my wand. And if I don't dad will literally hang me upside down. When my uncle Fred died during the second wizarding war, my dad took his wand. Then gave it to me when I turned eleven, I know... super big responsibility. And if I lost it dad would cry. Mum would cry. Bet you a hundred galleons that nan and pops would cry too... actually scratch that I don't have a hundred galleons.

"You're looking for your wand right?" I turn around and Annabeth is standing in my doorway.

"Yeah, don't tell Dad," I say back to her.

She shifts a little, she's got both hands behind her back, "Sorry Freddie. I took it to practice with." She pulls the wand out from behind her and carefully comes in my room and gives it to me, "I just want to go with you. To Hogwarts."

"You'll go sooner than you think Annie don't you worry about that," I say ruffling the top of her hair.

She giggles which melts my heart a little, "Mummy says dinners ready." She turns sharply and skips out of my room. I follow close behind her, closing my door as I leave my room.

"So then I told Hugo that you have to battle the Basilisk to get sorted into your house but Rose overheard and hit me in the back of the head with a book. Which was totally unfair cause I was just trying to have a bit of fun you know?" Ophelia says as she scoops some green beans onto her plate, "I mean if your cousins can't tease you who can?"

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