Part 84- Cassiopeia's POV

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I haven't been able to get what Theseus said to me out of my head for the past month. I was so annoyed by it that I didn't even bother going to the Slytherin versus Hufflepuff quidditch match.

Slytherin won by the way. Which means that it's going to be Slytherin and Gryffindor in the final game early June.

I also haven't been able to get into the Room of Requirement recently. All my professors have been giving us homework and study sheets like their lives depend on it. The only semi-interesting thing that has happened in my life recently is hearing about James and how some girl accidentally performed non-verbal magic while they were.. intimate, and his, thing... fell off...

It sends shivers down my back just thinking about it and I don't even have a thing. I mean... that can happen? I didn't know there was a spell for that...

Well actually, another sort of interesting thing happened. But it's not that interesting at all if you think about it... Because I sat beside Ophelia in every class that we had together, Theseus now sits beside me in every class that we have together because that's the only empty seat that was available. And I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's been hell.

"Cassiopeia, I thought you knew better than that."

We're in potions right now, and Theseus being Theseus is watching what I'm doing to my cauldron instead of what he should be doing to his.

"Theseus, you'd be surprised, but I know how to brew Girding potion." I snap at him.

Theseus hums and leans closer to me, "Really? Because the recipe calls for two fairy wings."

My heart falls into my stomach, "What? No, it does not." I grab my textbook and hold it in front of me, "See? Add one set of fairy wings to a boiling cauldron of water and stir till turquoise."


"What do you mean exactly?"

"One set. Not one wing."

I stare down at my potion, racking my brain trying to remember if I added one set or if just added one. He could be messing with my head just to get a rise out of me or he could be serious. Slughorn takes five points away from you if you restart a potion in his classes... but five points is better than a failing grade...

I take my cauldron off the burner and go over to the sink and dump the contents out.

"Five points from Slytherin Miss Weasley," Slughorn says lazily from his desk.

I measure more water and add it to my cauldron before carefully walking back to my work station and putting it on the burner again.

Theseus watches me as I work. I take one set of fairy wings out of the communal jar in the middle of our work station and lay them flat on my cutting board as I wait for the water to boil again.

"You know it was all your fault," I say to Theseus.

"My fault?" I can hear the smile in his voice so I don't have to look at him to know what his face looks like, "Darling I didn't touch your fairy wings."

"No, but if you weren't watching me all class then I wouldn't have felt pressured and make a mistake."

"And why do you feel pressured when I'm around Cassiopeia?"

"It's not you so you can hop right off that high horse of yours. It's people watching me in general."

Theseus laughs, "You've got to get used to people looking when I'm around Cassiopeia."

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