Part 2, Chapter 33- Freddie's POV

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**A/N** yes you read the title right! Freddie is back! I really missed writing POV's as Freddie so I thought why not! Let me know if you'd like to have a few Freddie POV's mixed in during the Christmas holidays! I hope you've been enjoying the past few parts because they have been so much fun to write! Lots of love xx


Standing outside of the shop is a surreal feeling. I mean yeah I grew up here and it's still my home and whatever but coming back here after being in Singapore for five months? I feel like an outsider.

The shops closed today which doesn't make much sense. I told Mum and Dad that I was gonna come home around dinner time so that they wouldn't have to close the shop for me. And I'm here at ten in the morning so I can surprise them all. I was just going to sneak in and change into my work uniform and start helping customers...

But the shops closed.

And I don't have a key anymore.

I walk along to the back of the shop and unlatch the gate so I can slip into the backyard. Well, it's sort of like a backyard. There's a big driveway that we use for shipments and general driving, but there's a lawn and some old swings and stuff from when we were all kids.

I open the door that leads to the back stairs and walk up. The faint sound of my family laughing gets louder and louder with every set of stairs that I walk up. I'll never admit it, and I'll kill you if you tell them anything, but I really miss being close to home.

Don't get me wrong, travelling the world with the love of my life has been magical, but I never really saw that as a long-term thing. I always saw that as something to do in my twenties and then come back to London, close to my and Evie's family and start our own.

Look at me, talking like I'm some old bat, I'm only nineteen.

"Fred! Sneaking out of the house like some lovesick teenager! I can't believe you!" Mum shrieks when I actually step into the flat.

Uh... what? I haven't snuck out of anywhere? And well... I am a lovesick teenager? Course I don't have to sneak out anywhere to see the love of my life cause we're getting married in the summer.

"At least invite Emma back for breakfast next time." I can hear Dad laugh.


Emma? Like Auntie Em? I haven't... uh, gross? No? That's my aunt?

I walk carefully down the hallway and into the living room. My entire family is in the kitchen. Mum is sitting on the kitchen counter as Dad cooks breakfast. Theo, Annie, and Ophelia are doing a really bad dance to the song playing on the radio. Cassiopeia is sitting at the table with...

What the fuck?

What the literal fuck am I looking at right now?

That Greek bastard that made Cassiopeia's life a living hell is sitting with...

My Dad?

No, cause Dad just snogged Mum as he's making pancakes.

So who the FUCK is that?

"Does this mean that you and Auntie Em are gonna get married?" Annie says to not-dad.

Not-dad laughs, "I've been back for a day Annie," he grabs my sister and puts her in his lap.

"You've been thinking about marrying Emma since you were like eighteen Freddie," Dad says, "When Vi and I got back together I waited what? A year before asking her to marry me?"

Freddie... Fred... Not-dad...

My brain feels like it's working overtime trying to process what the fuck I'm looking at. I might be dumb, I might be really dumb. But if I'm seeing this right, that's my Uncle Fred. Sitting at my dining table, alive... I need a second.

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