Part 2, Chapter 66- Violet's POV

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**A/N** Hey! Back again! This chapter is a little shorter than the recent ones I've been posting. (I say that like it's not over 2k words lol) anyways fun fact, this book is reaching 200k words so if you've read it all... congrats! That's pretty impressive, almost as long as Order of the Phoenix! Anyways, here you go, I'll be back later tonight? with a Theo POV, if not later tonight then definitely tomorrow, along with a Freddie POV and maybe another Theseus chapter. Lots of love xx


"I swear George these children are going to be the bloody death of me. Twice this week they've snuck out to do Godric knows what with Merlin knows who."

I help my husband make the bed that we slept in last night, tossing him one side of the blanket so we can pull it up at the same time.

"They went to a festival with their cousins. And before that, they went and got pizza. They could be doing much worse you know." George jokes.

"What could be worse than all five of our children leaving the house in the middle of the night George? Please enlighten me."

"They could have gone out to get heroin. But they just went out and got a big monkey."

I stop what I'm doing and stare at my husband. The look on my face is amusing apparently cause he laughs before crawling across the bed and giving me a kiss, "Come on love. They're young and morons, they're allowed to sneak out once in a while."

I huff and hit George with a pillow, "Freddie, Cass, Leah, and Theseus are sure. But Theo and Annie? I don't want them out that late at night just for the hell of it."

"Darling we were doing much worse at their age."

"Don't start with me, George Weasley. I nearly lost my daughter this week, forgive me for not wanting them out without my knowledge."

George sighs and pulls me onto the bed again. I lie down on top of him, looking up at the ceiling so I don't crush my pregnant stomach into George.

"I know my love. But we have to let them be children despite all that."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Be so... unbothered by it all?"

George laughs, "I am in no way shape or form unbothered by it all. But we have to understand that bad things happen in the world. That doesn't mean that we need to shelter our children from anything and everything."

I roll off George and sit up, I look over at his lazy, smiling face and pat his stomach a few times, "I'm going to continue to stress out about it."

George sits up and pecks my lips, "And I'll continue to talk you down."

There's a loud bang from downstairs followed by a string of curses. George and I look at each other and smile, "I don't think it was one of ours, doesn't sound like it." He says, "We can spend all day in bed mm?"

The door swings open, Ophelia stands in the doorway, her broom in one hand, an old quaffle in the other, "Get up old man, time to be embarrassed by your own daughter."

George laughs and before he crawls off the bed he gives me a quick peck, "I dunno about that O. You're good but not Dad good, you know?"

"No I really don't," she jokes as they head down the hallway and out of my sight.

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