Part 2, Chapter 90- Theo's POV

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***A/N*** Hello! Surprised to see me for the second time today? So am I honestly, I didn't think I would be able to finish another chapter today. This one is pretty long, longer than the last ones that I've been posting. Other than that... yeah I'll see you either tomorrow or Thursday, I haven't figured that bit out quite yet. Toodles! xx


"Your Dads know about us,"

Gilbert nods, "And your parents know about us,"

I nod, "And everyone else is going to find out when I kiss you goodbye."

Gilbert bumps me with his hip, "You're planning on kissing me goodbye are you?"

The train lurches forwards as it starts to slow down. Not going to lie, this has been one of the best trips home I've had yet.

That sounds weird. There was just a lot of snogging, and snogging makes everything better.

"What sort of question is that, course I plan on giving you a kiss goodbye," I say to my boyfriend.

"Even if we're going to see each other at Nans next weekend for the 'welcome back home' dinner we have?"

"I don't want to wait a week to see your face again," I say to him.

Gilbert blushes, "Play your cards right and I might convince Dad and Papa to take us over to yours for a dinner or two."

"Please, there won't be the need for convincing."

Gilbert leans over to me and kisses my lips, "It's going to be weird not being able to do that whenever I want."

"Just use the Floo Network to come to mine. It's not like my parents are going to mind at all."

"Yeah but Uncle Fred is getting married, and Freddie is getting married. Your flat is going to be chaotic all summer."

"Then I'll use the Floo Network to come see you. It's not like you're going to have to wait all summer to kiss these lips again you know."

Gilbert laughs and gives me another kiss as the train pulls to a stop, "Home sweet home," he whispers. His breath smells like spearmint toothpaste and the chocolate frogs that we were eating.

We help each other gather our things and the trash from the sweets that we've been eating before stepping down to the platform.

Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry are already smothering Lily in hugs and kisses. Uncle Ron is with Hugo claiming that he's grown seven feet since the Easter holiday. Lucy is introducing Oscar to Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey which looks awkward. Uncle Fred and a very pregnant Auntie Em are hugging Darcy and laughing about something.

Mum and Dad are hugging Cassie and Theseus, while...

"Freddie!" I shout.

Freddie turns around and smiles big at me, letting go of Ophelia to open his arms for my big hug, "Christ mate, getting a little old to throw yourself at your brother like that eh?" He laughs as I hold onto him tightly.

"Well maybe if you didn't run to the other side of the world whenever you got the chance I wouldn't have to," I say letting go of him. I give Evie a hug too since she is standing right beside Freddie before going over to Mum and Dad.

Mum who is also pregnant; doesn't look nearly as big as Auntie Em.

Not that Auntie Em is big.

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