Chapter 47- Cassiopeia's POV

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Waking up in the Gryffindor common room was not something I expected to do today. Witnessing Albus and Scorpius kissing was also something I was not expecting to do today but here we are.

Rose, Albus, Scorpius and I all passed out on the couches after the party died down. Rose and I on one couch, Albus and Scorpius on the other couch. In hindsight maybe we should have split them up.

I don't think they realize that I'm awake, and I don't know if I should let them know or not.

"What in the ever-loving fuck is going on down here?" James shouts from somewhere across the room.

Albus and Scorpius jump halfway across the couch away from each other. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes pretending like I just woke up. Rose yawns loudly and covers her face with her hands.

"James, it's not – we uhm..." Al stutters over his words a bit.

James presses the palms of his hands into his eyes, "This castle is full of private rooms Albus, I don't want to see my brother snogging Scorpius as soon as I wake up. Fuck I don't want to see anyone snogging anyone as soon as I wake up."

That gets Rose's attention. She takes her hands away from her face and sits up, "You two? You – you and Scor?" She says looking at Albus.

Albus flushes a deep shade of red and Scorpius does the same, "Uhm...." Is all either of them manage to say.

A girl comes down the stairs and wraps herself around James. "Moring James." She says in a sultry voice. I can't control the look of disgust on my face and Rose laughs at me.

"Morning... uh..."

The girl pulls away from him, "You don't remember my name?"

James glances over to us like we would be any help in this situation. "No! Couse I remember your name darling. But you're so fucking hot that I'm at a loss of words."

Rose and I roll our eyes at the same time, I can see Albus lean back into the couch and cover his face with a pillow from the second-hand embarrassment.

"It's Jessica." The girl says, not looking impressed in the slightest.

James smiles, "Course it's Jessica. What else would it have been?" He kisses her cheek and the girl, Jessica, smiles a little, "Come on sweetheart let's get you some breakfast."

James and Jessica walk past us, not before James swats the back of Al's head as he passes by and they leave the common room together.

Rose and I look at the two boys. "You two? Snogging?" I say, "Consider me a little grossed out." Albus and Scorpius look at each other, then back at me a little confused. "Oh no, not the fact that you're guys or whatever. But you're both my cousins. Dunno feels a little ick."

"We may be your cousin, but we aren't each other's cousins," Scorpius says to me. "Wanna go get something to eat?" he says to Albus.

"God yeah, I feel like shit," Albus says getting up from the couch. They hold hands as they walk out of the common room together.

Once the door closes behind them Rose slumps deep into the couch, "And here I was thinking that Scorpius fancied me." She says softly.

I look at the door to the common room then back to Rose a few times, "Do all of my cousins fancy Scorpius?" I say loudly which makes her half-smile.

"I don't think Dom does, with what she was doing last night with that boy," Rose says sadly. I can tell she's trying to make a joke and lift her spirits herself because Ophelia isn't here to do it.

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