Chapter 18- Ophelia's POV

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            "Don't do anything stupid!" Rose calls after me.

I turn around and look at her, but I don't stop walking, "I will personally rip his balls off and use them as a bludger." I say back to her.

She catches up with me and I turn around and walk normally again, "I meant, he's got friends with him. You're going to need someone else to help you out."

I laugh, "You heard Cassie, she doesn't want Freddie involved with this shit."

"Not Freddie dumbass. Me."

I stop in my tracks and look at her. "The minister's daughter? Getting in a fistfight during a Hogsmeade trip? Fuck I really am a bad influence."

Rose swats me, "Oi we've got the same blood in our veins and shit. I'll fuck someone up if I have to. The Weasleys are fighters."

We start walking again, determined, looking for this little piece of shit. I mean seriously, Cassie of all people? The fuck has she ever done? Sure she can be a bitch but she's only a bitch to me. You can't fuck with her just because you think she's an easy target.

We go into Splintwitches sporting goods. Molly is standing there looking at a display of snitches with some girl.

"Oi! Mol!" I call through the store.

She jumps away from her friend and spins around to look at me, "Hey Leah." She says overly casually but I don't have time to unpack all that. One problem at a time.

"You haven't seen fucking Todd Martin have you?"

Molly looks at me and Rose and reads our faces, "I don't even know who that is but if his body turns up in a ditch somewhere I'll pretend like this conversation never happened." She says the last bit with a wink.

"Why do you need Martin for?" Freddie says from behind me. Fuck. Fuck it all to hell. I turn around and look at him. He's got some girl holding onto his arm for dear life, I think I've seen her around, but I don't have time to deal with that either.

"None of your business. Have you seen him or not?"

The girl latched onto my brother pulls on him a little, "Come on Freddie, I wanna buy a new beater's bat." Which would be fine if she didn't sound like a character from that god awful chipmunks muggle movie that we watched on family movie night once.

"He went to the Shrieking Shack with a bunch of others. They just passed by us." Pause. "He wasn't Cassie's date was he?"

I ignore Freddie's question and push past him and his girl, Rose right on my heels. It doesn't take us long to get to the Shrieking shack given we are practically running through the streets of Hogsmeade at this point.

"You little fucking god damn waste of fucking space!" I scream as soon as I see Todd and his friends.

Todd and the other four Gryffindor boys spin around on their heels and look at me. Darcy and a few of his friends are here too but I don't even acknowledge their presence.

"Hey Weasley, how can I be of ser-" Todd starts with a smirk on his face. I punch him right in the jaw mid-sentence, wiping the smirk clean off his face.

"You pathetic small willy bastard!" I spit, literally spit on him as he groans on the ground and tries to get up.

"Watch your moth, Weasley." One of his friends, Frank Sharp says.

"Watch your mouth," Rose says. I watch her as she punches him in the face. Instantly blood starts pouring out of his nose and he stumbles backwards.

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