Part 2, Chapter 8- Annabeth's POV

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"Ravenclaw quidditch tryouts are today between eleven and three! Second-year and older, if you don't have a broom one will be provided!" our quidditch captain Ash Nelson shouts through the common room.

Lorcan, who's sitting cross-legged on the floor doodling on the walls turns around and looks at Jordan, Lysander, and I who are sitting at a desk nearby, "If I go to tryouts today will you guys come watch me?"

"I can't," Lysander says right away.

"Don't act like you have anything better to do," Jordan says to him.

He shrugs, "Sorry, I guess I should have said I don't want to. Lor, I can watch you fall off a broom any day of the week. I don't have to go all the way outside to see that."

"So you'll go to Alice's games but you won't watch me try out?"


Jordan and I look at each other and roll our eyes as the twins argue about nothing, "I'll go and watch you Lor; beats sitting around here doing nothing."

"Thank you, Annie. See? That's what a real friend looks like." Lorcan says. He puts the cap back on the marker that he was using on the wall and stands up.

"Well good thing I'm your brother and not your friend," Lysander says to him.

"Does anyone else get overwhelmed when they think about the fact that they have to brush their teeth every day for the rest of their lives? I mean let's say I live to be a hundred, that's thirty-six thousand and five hundred days. And if you brush your teeth twice every day like you're supposed to then that's seventy-three thousand times you brush your teeth." I blurt out. All my friends look at me funny but I keep going, "And if you spend two minutes brushing your teeth every time that you brush your teeth then that's about one-hundred and forty-six thousand minutes, which is equal to a hundred and one days. So if you live to be a hundred that means that you have spent about a hundred consecutive days brushing your teeth."

No one says anything for a hot second.

"What the fuck Annabeth." Jordan says finally, "Why are you even thinking about brushing your teeth right now?"

"Cause I haven't done that yet. I probably should." I pick up a strawberry from the bowl that we have in the middle of our desk and bite into it.

"You're insane you know that?" Lorcan says to me with a smile on his face.

"Am I the only one that wants to know how she did all that math so quickly?" Lysander says really loudly.

I smile at him without teeth and close my eyes for a moment instead of responding to him.

"I should probably get back to my own common room. The older kids are going to have a party tonight and I want to be there for the preparation stuff."

"And by older kids you mean Ophelia," I say to her.

"Yeah, the annual welcome back to Hogwarts party... I'll see your ugly faces later." Jordan waves goodbye and heads out of our common room.

"I hate the parties in the Slytherin common room. They always play songs with so much bass it hurts a little." Lysander says.

"And it's always so dark in there," Lorcan adds.

"And cold."

"And creepy. I mean looking into the lake like that? Some things should just be left to the imagination and that's one of them."

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