Chapter 65- Freddie's POV

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            "If you want to pull a relatively harmless prank then the Weasley snowstorm is your best bet. Just press down on this horn here and it'll dispense real snow for about an hour." I pick up one of the Weasley snowstorms from the shelf and hand it to the couple that I've been helping for the past five or so minutes.

"Real snow? Like it will melt?" The guy says.

"Yeah, it'll melt. But we also have a great line of products that help clean up after a prank if you'll follow me." I lead the two wizards past the big cage of Pygmy Puffs that Cassie is stationed at, showing a few of the new pups to some younger kids.

"This is what you'll want right here," I say taking a small box off of the shelf, "The 'honey I flooded the bathroom'. Super easy to use, just pull this little tab here and set it on the floor of the flooded room. It'll suck up all the water, leaving everything as dry as it was before. Then just chuck it into the bin and you'll be set. Actually, it's recyclable so toss it into the recycling and you're golden."

"Thank you so much for your help!" The girl says taking the box out of my hands.

I smile big, "Of course, head on over to the cash over there and Ophelia will be able to ring you up." I point over to Ophelia who is working hard beside Annabeth as they try to keep up with the number of people that are buying stuff today.

April fools is one of our busiest days so it's understandable that we are slammed right now. When we opened our door at nine, which was a little later than we normally do but Mum made Dad a big breakfast for his birthday. He stopped celebrating his birthday after Uncle Fred died, but once I was born he started celebrating again. He still doesn't really like to make it a big deal so it's normally just a big breakfast, and the family over once the shops closed.

"S'cuse me?" A girl's voice says from behind me.

I turn around and smile at her, I recognize her from Hogwarts, she's a few years older than me, in Hufflepuff, I think. "Hi! How can I help you today?" I say in my customer service voice.

"Hi, oh wow, this is really awkward? But I was wondering where you keep the uhm, love potions?" She says it quietly which makes it hard to hear her through the loud music and laughter in the shop.

A Whizbang flies past my ear and a few young kids chase after it howling with laughter, "Love potions are up on the second floor with all the WonderWitch products. It's hideously pink, can't miss it."

"Thanks!" She smiles before rushing off to the staircase.

Someone wolf whistles loudly by the front door. I turn away from the shelf that I really should be tidying and see Amar and Louis standing near the front of the shop. They both make eye contact with me and smile like idiots.

"There he is ladies and gentlemen! Hogwarts boy of the month!" Amar shouts through the store. A few customers look over at us but they go right back to whatever it is that they've come to the shop to do.

"What the hell are you on about?" I say giving each of them a handshake and a hug.

Amar pulls out his phone and opens magicked, "You've seen what girls in our year have been doing? Making polls on magicked to figure out who the boy of the month is?"

"Sort of? I don't really use my phone all that much." I say awkwardly. I look around the store to make sure that Mum and Dad aren't around. Not that they don't let me socialize with my friends when they stop by the store, but if they saw Lou here they might make him hop on cash or something.

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