Chapter 77- Freddie's POV

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"Hey... what happened in the library earlier today? Between you and Dom?"

It's late now, past curfew. All of the Weasleys have finally snuck out of the Gryffindor common room, each with a new, small Weasley tattoo on various parts of their body.

Louis looks at me, then looks back down at his hands.

I sit on the couch beside him and kick my legs up on the coffee table, "I'm not going to flip out dude, no matter what it is. But I can tell it's bothering you, whatever it is."

Louis looks at me, "This doesn't leave the common room, okay? I don't need Evie to know about this shit. I don't even want you knowing about it. But if I can't tell you, then who can I tell?"

I look over at him, "Yeah. This stays between me and you."

He takes a deep breath, "I'm part Veela, and that comes with different abilites I guess."

"Shit dude. Like what?"

Louis laughs, "Nothing too wild. Veela's can smell different kinds of love, like true love, toxic love, unrequited love, things like that. We can trance people to fall in love with us but that's a serious no-no." He takes a breath, "We can tell what type of person someone is attracted to, like guys, girls, non-binary, all of the above. We can sense if someone has a crush on us... we can get people to do whatever we want if we put it in a song, tell if or when a couple is going to break up... we can, in theory, pick up, mold, and throw fire balls? And if we get really angry we can turn into a harpy, like grow wings out of our backs and our hair goes white and our eyes go red... and if someone plucks a hair off our head we start convulsing, if they pull out more than one we could actually die."

"Fuck dude, why haven't you said any of this before? You're telling me you're a fire bender?"

Louis laughs, "I've never tried it before... some stuff doesn't work for me cause I'm only one eight Veela. But in theory yeah."

"That's so fucking cool dude."

Louis sighs, "Things that have to do with love, like the scent thing, sensing peoples sexual preferences, when people have a crus on me... all that I can do really well, so can Dominique and Victoire."

"Wait, they knew you were gay..."

"Before I came out to them, yeah. It was a pretty easy conversation. I said 'hey I like guys' and they said, 'yeah we've known since you were a literal baby,' only one that was a like shook was Dad."

I whistle, "That's wild man, like absolutely fucking mad." I look at him, "So in the library you what? Felt that Dom's relationship was on the rocks or something?"

Louis sighs, "Well, yeah. But she smelt something on me... god when I say that it sounds so fucking gross."

I smile at him, "You're in love?"


"Can I ask who?"


Louis looks from the ground and at me. I burst into laughter, "Yeah okay man." But Louis doesn't laugh, he doesn't even smile... "It's not funny is it?"


I give Louis my full attention now, "But like, can't you use your Veela shit to find out if he fancies you too?"

"That's the thing... some people are harder to read than others. I mean you're really easy to read. Straight as a door, and madly in love with Evie."

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