Part 2, Chapter 11- Ophelia's POV

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"What class do you have this morning?" I ask Cassie when we are getting ready Monday morning. She hasn't spoken to me since the weasel incident and I think I made it worse with everything I did yesterday.

Cassie holds her head high as she ties up her tie. And I roll my eyes but I finish getting dressed all the same. I do my best to personalize my uniform which means trousers instead of a skirt, combat boots instead of those ugly little nurse shoes, not buttoning my shirt all the way up, and not tying my tie. Does it make me look like just another fuck boy walking the halls? Yeah, but it beats wearing a skirt.

"Pia seriously, you're not gonna talk to me?"

Cassie tightens her ponytail and turns around to look at me, "No, I'm really not." She says before picking up her bag and walking out of the dorms.

"Dramatic ass bitch." I say under my breath before brushing out my hair and grabbing my bag off of my trunk.

Chandler is in the common room waiting for me like he always is, "What the fuck takes you so long?"

"It takes a long time to look like this," I say doing a twirl and hitting Chandler's arm.

He rolls his eyes, "Like what? A pile of centaur shit?"

"Fuck you!"

"Thanks for the offer but I've got to pass. I have a date set up."

We start to head out of the common room, a few of the portraits are cursing at us for waking them up; all normal morning things honestly. "Oh yeah? You sure she likes you when she's not all hopped up on love potion?"

Chandler bumps his shoulder into mine, "Yes dumbass I'm sure she likes me when she's not all hopped up on love potion."

"Okay, who is it?"

"You know Larke? Larke Reese? From Gryffindor?"

I laugh loudly. Memories from last year flood my head, many of them involving being pressed up against Larke in dark classrooms and hidden passages around the school, sneaking into the Gryffindor common room late at night and hoping to whatever god you believe in that her dormmates won't wake up. "Oh yeah, I know Larkie."

We leave the common room and start towards the great hall, "You don't seriously mean that you and her..."

"Course I do. Have you seen her? Phenomenal." I kiss the tip of my fingers and do that Italian 'perfection' thing that I've seen in movies.

"Man. You've ruined it for me you know? You've fully just ruined it for me."

"If you can't get over the fact that I had her screaming my name then you shouldn't be planning dates."

Chandler wrinkles his nose, "You didn't have to word it like that."

"Actually I think that's the only way I should have worded that sentence thank you."

We have a quick breakfast and head back down to the dungeons for potions class. Larke is sitting at a table with her friend Clara. They both look at me and smile, I wonder if they know that I've been with both of them. I sit at the work station that Chandler has managed to get for us. Elliott comes over and sits with us, and it's not long before Sacha comes over too. The only other Slytherin who's in this class is Georgette and there's no way that she's gonna be sitting over here. Instead, she goes over to where Ash, Tasha, and Frank are sitting.

Ash... Damn does she look good today. I catch myself staring just a little too long. Zabini walks into the classroom and stands in front of his desk. Now I may be as gay as they come but christ Zabini could get it. He doesn't wear big robes that lots of the teachers wear. He's always in posh trousers and a button-down shirt. He just radiates pure sex appeal. I'm not that person to sleep with a teacher, but if I was straight and failing potions, you're damn right I'd do it.

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