Chapter 13- Freddie's POV

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It's been a week, exactly one whole week since the first day of school. Which means that I'm going to beat the crap out of fucking Isaiah Chapman and I'm not wasting any time.

"Mate breakfast doesn't start till seven-thirty, the hell are you doing up right now?" Timothy groans from his bed.

James, Louis, and I are getting dressed, neither of us answers him. It's quarter to seven right now. The plan is to get down there in time to make sure that Chapman doesn't have time to even think about sitting at a table with his friends. Louis is still hesitant about doing anything, he's always against me fighting anyone. Domonique and James however, are making sure that none of Chapman's friends decide to step in. They promised me that I'll have Chapman all to myself.

Just thinking about him makes my blood boil. Talking to my sister like that, talking about my mother like that. I tried, I really truly did, cross my heart and hope to die and all of that playground bullshit. But for the past seven days, all I could think about was pounding that kid's nose back into his skull.

"Amar said that he was going to meet up with us. Not like he's going to help in any way but he'll cheer me on." I say with a laugh.

James doesn't find it amusing, "Inviting people to watch you kick the shit out of someone? Real classy there Weasley."

Louis turns around and looks at James, "Oi we can call you by your last name but you can't call us Weasley. Your mums a Weasley, which makes you a Weasley. Its too complicated."

James just rolls his eyes and grabs his wand from his bedside table, "Lets go then."

It doesn't take us long to get down to the hall. Dominique, Molly, Rose, Albus, Scorpius, Lily, Hugo, Ophelia, and Cassiopeia are all standing there. "What took you three so fucking long?" Dom says mid-yawn.

"Pretty boy Potter needed to iron his shirt," Louis says half-assed.

I do a headcount, there's ten of us including myself. Cassie looks awkward and annoyed, but everyone else looks determined and angry, like they should be honestly. Even little Lily is clutching onto her wand for dear life. Hugo looks less confident standing beside her but he's got his wand out too. Like we would ever let those two near a fight but it's the fact that they are hear that makes me smile.

"Freddie is this really necessary?" Cass says quietly.

We all look at her which makes her shrink into herself, she hates people staring at her. "Course it's necessary. Fuck that guy." Albus says. He puts a hand on Cassie's shoulder and she visibly relaxes.

"Oh ho ho ho this can't be good." A cheeky voice rings out from above us. We all look up at the same time and Uncle Fred is soaring around above us. "Who's the sad sucker that pissed you lot off?"

"Some Ravenclaw in Cassie's year. Called aunt Violet a Death Eater and all that fun shit." Molly explains casually. I don't think I've ever heard her swear till today. I didn't even think she knew what swearing was.

"Breakfast and a show! I'm in." our uncle says with a laugh. I watch as he soars higher and 'sits' on the shoulder of one of the massive stone knights close to the ceiling.

"Now technically you shouldn't be doing this. It should have been reported to a teacher when it first happened." Rose says. She directs her statement at me. We've had many fights over the rules, ever since we were little kids.

"That's him." Leah says softly.

I turn around and Isaiah Chapman is walking down the stairs towards us. We make eye contact and I can see that he instantly gets uncomfortable.

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